It will take some time but be aware the Dog will also get big (and I mean BIG) for example I bought a little bitty baby Dogface Jan 10th of 98- so he is 3 years and about a half and is now about 15 inches and round as can be. As he grew he began to dine on his tank mates and after I lost 3 other fish including a falco Hawk to him I put him in solitary to which he lives in now and forever more. Now of course I could have taken him back to a lfs and at his size, color, health, and yes personality they would have relieved me of his criminal ways, but alas I like the mean sucker (he once darn near took my finger off) so the ghoul (as my wife calls him) takes up a 58 gallon Oceanic tank that cost a pretty penny and the fish only cost me about 20 bucks then (so where is the value in this- there is none). All my original Porks and the Dog are 8 inches or better so be prepared to buy a bigger tank down the road.