Decided to start with a Fish Only tank...


New Member
Hey everyone....
I decided to just stick with a fish only tank. I have a 29 gallon aquarium. I plan on using some artifcial corals, with some artificial coral stones too. And I will go with a sand bottom. Question is, I havent bought a filter yet. Any suggestions. I was told that having a saltwater F/O tank is just like a freshwater,except the water. Also, what about snails and hermit crabs? I plan on starting with a pair of ocellaris clownfish. What would be some good tankmates?
I got my current tank from my dad when he said I could use it and he had coral skeletons and base rock in it, well ever since I started taking care of it and reading this site I’ve wanted live rock, and will be getting some soon. That’s just my story, I also suggest you get the live rock, you’ll be much happier.


New Member
I would actuallt lik to add live rock. I just thought special lighting would be required. Live rock is not a poblem....


get a Whisper Filter, you can buy a whole box of filter cartridges for it. THe Boi- wheel sells their filter cartridges seperately. Kinda Bogus.


You dont need a bio wheel if you have live rock. LR does all of your biological filtration. I have a 26 with a royal gramma, sixline wrasse, and planning on getting either a percula or a firefish next (cant decide). You'll probably have more fun with your inverts (definitely get shrimp). :D