Decorating tips


I've seen some of the tanks you guys have and they are just beautiful. I think I finally have my rock the way I want it, I don't really want to stack it up higher, but I would really like to hide the intake and the return from the filter. Any good ideas?


Sweeettt. Nice tank. Like I told Lionfish in another thread, get you a background. They really do make a difference in the appearance. As far as the L shaped tubing you have coming into the tank, which I'm assuming you want to hide (intake....return...?). Can it be extended if you bought some more hose, or pipe, and then you could just lower it behind your LR?:happyfish


40 lbs live rock
40 lbs live sand
1 lawnmower blenny
1 Oscelaris Clown
1 yellow tang (going back to the store as the tank will be too small)
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
some astrea snails
some hermits (blue and red legged)


about the tubing... if you dont want to change it, if you are going to have corals in your tank you could maybe hide the tubing by putting say an anemone in front of it. i dont know exactly how much it would cover, but there are other corals that u could probobly hide it with. ide say best thing to do is just buy a little more live rock. wont hurt anything! =)


Wow... I really dig that tank! Nice clean lines and laid out well. Some people here cram a million corals into a tank (and while that might be some people's idea of heaven), I personally prefer a simpler tank with some nice accents. Very nice work.


Thank You very much!
Its definitely a work in progress, but other than making the return less conspicuous I am finally happy with the rock work, I am thinking that a black background will maky it less noticeable.

agent 14

and yurr anemone is doing fine with the light u gonna upgrade my light as soon as i can get some more money and i was also thinkin of gettin an anemone


Thanks Agent 14, I really appreciate the compliment. The RBTA seems to be doing fine with the lighting. He looks to be gaining color back slowly and I am feeding him pretty often since the LFS wasn't feeding him AT ALL. They said he was "Filter Feeding", which is just code for "We are too friggin lazy to feed our anenomes properly."