Decorator crab ate mushrooms?!?


Last night, at lights out, I had two beautiful mushrooms on a piece of LR. This morning, at lights on, I had merely the stem of the smaller of the two mushrooms and my decorator crab was sitting right there on the LR. Five minutes later - I left and came back - no stem either and the decorator was moving off.
Is this normal? Am I maybe not feeding the DC enough? If it eats mushrooms, will it eat soft corals? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> TIA, Jeanne


not sure about the specifics on decorator crabs, but i noticed the same thing with my emerald crab. it was sitting in a spot where i've had a mushroom for months. i don't know where it went, i just shrugged it off and guessed it might have picked at it and it floated off from it's spot. i'd be interested to hear what someone else could come up with. i've been wanting to remove my crab but can't seem to catch the right moment. i'll smash it if it's eating my shrooms though. i already think it was responsible for eating some of my macro algae. :mad:


Here is my answer GET HIM OUTTA THERE!! I had a deco crab in my 30 gal reef, one morning i woke up to see him trimming of peices of my anethelia and sticking them to his body! They love destroying coral! They are kewl, but they gotta go.