Decorator crab eating corals!

reef diver

Active Member
My new decorator crab, just walked over to a hairy mushroom, and started eating it, it actually put the pieces in its mouth! I think it ate a pipe organ too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
My new decorator crab, just walked over to a hairy mushroom, and started eating it, it actually put the pieces in its mouth! I think it ate a pipe organ too!
I knew that they would use corals to decorate themselves. Sorry, I know that's frustrating.


New Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
My new decorator crab, just walked over to a hairy mushroom, and started eating it, it actually put the pieces in its mouth! I think it ate a pipe organ too!
They are not eating it they are doing something to make it stick to their body. It will put stuff all over its self.
Look at it this way, when it molts is shell you can get them back and the crab has made a frag for you. I have one that likes Zoos. Each time he molts his shell i pick them off with a pair of tweesers and super glue them to a piece of LR rubble. Now i have them back and have a new frag. Happens about every mont or so. The first time i thought it was dead. It will hide for a while after it molts is shell. I need time for the new shell to harden.


Active Member
Originally Posted by twistat420
They are not eating it they are doing something to make it stick to their body. It will put stuff all over its self.
Look at it this way, when it molts is shell you can get them back and the crab has made a frag for you. I have one that likes Zoos. Each time he molts his shell i pick them off with a pair of tweesers and super glue them to a piece of LR rubble. Now i have them back and have a new frag. Happens about every mont or so. The first time i thought it was dead. It will hide for a while after it molts is shell. I need time for the new shell to harden.
So the crab "frags" the coral for you and it lives? Does it hurt the piece he takes from?


New Member
So far it has only gone after my zoos and xenia thats all i have besides my BTA and LTA and fish. My zoos look a little bare but will fill back in and does NO damage to them. The zoos are alive on his back and do just fine. The xenia will also look like it has lost a few arms but no damage. Sometimes the xenia arms or zoos will come off and will attach to LR in my tank. Just yesterday i took all the zoos that came off the molt and glued them to LR rubble and put in my QT tank and the opened up in a hour or two and doing just fine. They will split and spread over the rock over time.


New Member
Take that that back i just noticed that my blue sponge frag is gone
:scared: Found it all over my decorator crab in very small pieces. Guess i will get it back later. At least their is a small piece attached to the LR Maybe it will grow back


Active Member
ALL crabs are opportunistic. They will eat just about anything. When you just added the crab, it was probably starving and so was desperate for any kind of food. Chances are that as long as you keep it fed now (which shouldn't be hard) it will leave your corals alone.