Decorator crab?


Active Member
Anyone have any info on these guys, reef safe, good with other inverts? I want your personal experience with them. I was thinking about getting one for my tank and any info would be great.:D Thanks


Active Member
i just got a pair 2 weeks ago... funny lil guys.. as for being reef safe i dont know, they love to stick corals/stuff on themselves, as mine fragged my colt and stuck them to him. The coral he fragged is doing fine.. The dont seem to bother anything that ive seen, they pretty much sit on the rocks doing who knows what.. none of my other tank inhabitants dont seem to mind them..


Thats a great pic.....he is a walking coral reef...well up until it sheds its skin, then that process will start all over again....LOL just remember the more food they get the more they shed their skin or is it they shed their shell! We have a few the aquarium, if its not cemented down, you will see it later on their back, legs, even their head as the picture shows!
Again Cool Pic,


New Member
I love the decorators, but I never see mine. They are always hiding in the back, or under rocks. They are very shy and they like the dark. Also VERY sssllllooowww. So depending on your setup you may or may not see them. You should probably target feed them since they are so slow, they don't tend to get any food. I've heard they don't last long...
Here's mine:


Active Member
ya i hand feed mine a silver side every other day, plus they seem to pick up scaps on the sand bed


New Member
And here's my "Decorator Urchin." These guys are worse than the crabs -- they are like velcro!


i was wondering, since they pick up things here and there, they move stuff all over the tank, and when it drops off, then starts to grow there, you could wind up with everything everywhere right???


Hey Tim, about that decorator urchin :p I see it's in a reef tank. I was under the impression that urchins shouldn't be kept in reef tanks - they eat corals. What kind is that? Does he bother your corals? What size tank do you aahve?



Originally posted by jrb384
i was wondering, since they pick up things here and there, they move stuff all over the tank, and when it drops off, then starts to grow there, you could wind up with everything everywhere right???

Yep, but some people have said that the crab does a better job of propogation than they do.


Active Member
i got one about a week ago because of slothy!
he hides around and stuff, comes out at night. i noticed this morning he had some new coral on him. lol
how cute! they have those at my lfs. they are wierd. has that urchin been eating any of your coraline algae? i want an uruchin, but i also want coraline algae! it is very pretty..


Active Member

Originally posted by danrw84
i got one about a week ago because of slothy!
he hides around and stuff, comes out at night. i noticed this morning he had some new coral on him. lol

hrmm mine are out all day long.. just hard to see them.. the one has alot of sand/rock on him blends in very good


Active Member
the salt in my tank is a little low because i took some of the tank water to give to my friend's new tank for cycling and i over did the top-off... (dont know if this is the right thing to do) so i will wait until the water evaporates to the right thing on my scale and just add in new saltwater...