Decorator Crabs eats corals...


I've seen my Decorator crab all over the place and most recently perched next to my open brain showing down on the side. I've seen him there before (I've had him for a month or so) and I don't see any major damage but I do notice little nibbles from the sides. I've also seen him on my sea fan just hanging on, I've seen him hanging onto my Devils Finger Coral but I've never actually seen him munching down on any coral until last night. My question is: Do you think it's really a bad thing or do you think that he may just nibble around and not really do that much damage?


Hi Chris,
I have a decorator crab and he does'nt eat corals, he steels them and wears them. He has taken out 3 feather dusters and some mushrooms. First he takes the crowns (Feathers) and wears them on his head. Kid you not. When he tires of that, he takes the worm itself and wears them on his back. Finally he takes the whole tube and wears them. (It is the worst, he looks like he has a used condom on his back. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> ) He took out the 3 feather dusters in the first 24 hours he was inthe tank. I woke up this morning to him coved in mushrooms. I am moving the rock he stole from out of the tank tonight. He also covers himself in macgo algae. LOL
I really like him, he is so funny.


umm. I assume thats bad for the creatures that he wears.
I was thinking about getting one because I thought they had a neat behavior.
Should I reconsider?


Like I said earlier, i really enjoy him and would not get rid of him for anything. This is my first one, so I do not know if this is normal behaivor or not. He is such a personailty, I just love him. He is big also, from head to end he is 2 1/2 inch long, 1 1/2 inch wide. The decision is yours.


Timing is everything, as is the case with your post. I was eating my lunch today and looking at my tank. I saw my decorator over by my new brain yesterday and she took a bite - tasted it and moved off. I figured that was the end of it until today when I saw her rip a chunck out of my new Polyp mat. I watched her eat it, figuring she would likely not like it, like the brain occurrence, and then she ripped off another piece. I put down my sandwich, tore off my canopy, and tried to wrestle her off the rock she was on to no avail. They are very strong for their size !!!! Finally I tricked her into thinking I had given up and when she made a dash for the rocks I nabbed her. She's in the refugium now until I go to the LFS and then she'll be going with me. Only one of us will be making the return trip. Too bad, it was a very cool crab.


We got a decorator crab about 3 weeks ago. He is very cool looking. He came decorated in lots of different colors of corals and macroalge. He is also very large. Unfortunatly, within a couple of days of being in the tank he clipped of 3 pieces of a finger leather coral (I think that is the name for it). I don't know if the coral will make it. It doesn't look to great. I really like this crab but I am worried that he will do some damage. Haven't decided to take him back yet, though. Still thinking about it.
BTW, BJ- I can just see you trying to wrestle the crab and then trick him. LOL! I can relate. :)


I've been paying much closer attention to mine since I first posted. I've actually seen him latched onto my Seafan, my finger etc... but I really never see any significant damage... Yet, I guess...


Staff member
Generally speaking, crabs should not be in reef tanks. They are omnivores, thus your favorite coral or any animal in the tank for that matter can be fair game to any crab.


your best bet is to catch him and bring him to your lfs and trade him in. Better to get rid of the crab then have him raise holy hell in your tank and damage all your corals.