Deep Sand Bead??


I have read that deep sand beads are the best, but when I set up my aquarium I used 2 bags of CC and 1 bag of LS. Will this work. If not anyway to correct (like by adding additional sand or taking out some of the CC slowly.)


Active Member
The theory on DSB is very controversial, but I think the most part around here most would advise against the deep sand bed (DSB)


Active Member
IMO if the DSB is alive (all kinds of critters living in it) it's fine, it'll help with natural filtration. If it's just sand it could very well become a nitrate trap. :D


Active Member
Like I said a controversial topic and just keep asking around and you'll see alot of the "big guns" here and other forums have done away with them and when you find them ask why????


Active Member
I'm personally of the opinion that your flora/fauna plan should dictate your sand bed. Do you want buroughing critters, or deeply rooted macroalgaes? Then you want the deeper sand bed. If there's no specific need for deep sand, I wouldn't go for the risk.


Active Member
Just check around and see how many are swapping those DSB for either BB or SSB and ask why. Most people don't properly maintain their sandbeds.... Do alittle research as to where the nitrification and denitrification process takes place in the sand bed????? Where's it take place???