deep sand bed


Im thinking about setting up a sump system. I have a 72 gallon tank, and the sump is going to be 29 gallons. Should I go with a deep sand bed or a plennum? How deep should the sand bed be, or plennum be? And what sor of macro alge should I put in it. I will have lights on the sump. My intent is to try to cycle some nitrates out of my system. Any input would be great. Thank you.
It sounds like you really want a refugium as opposted to a sump. A sump is a place for mechanical filtration, checmical additives etc. A fuge is a place for biological filtration and a refuge for live fish & coral food to reproduce. In that case - IMO, go with a DSB about 4-6 inches, and put chaeto macroalgae in there. That should be all you need. I've heard some people still use plenums, but I have no experience with them and that's why I'd go with a DSB (personally).