Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian

debbie g

My gorgonian has been getting thin on the very tips, turning brown and then I guess falling off. I was very careful not to let air get at it when I put it in the tank. Is it a sign that it may be dieing? If so, can I cut off the little brown ends and maybe stop it from creeping further down the branches? I've been feeding it phytoplankton and the little polyps come out every evening.
Thanks for any help.
Debbie G


Active Member
This perticular species can not eat need to feed it cyclops-eeze(sp?) or a similar product. The deterioration generally is the start of a rapid decline and there is not much hope from this point in. Try to feed at night when the polyps are extended and hope for the best.

debbie g

Thanks grateful reefer. I'll run out and get cyclopeeze. But do you think it is starving? That would cause it to turn brown?
Debbie G


Active Member
It would be my guess that it is starving, this species is not photosynthetic and relies entirely on what it can catch in its polyps. Phyto is too small for it to consume, this is why we need to keep it nourished with larger particles.