Deeper sand bed


When I purchased my ecosystem it stated that only 1 in of sand bed is desireable, I removed 60-70 lbs of live sand which cost me alot of $ just chucked it in my driveway, rain took it away, now I want to add more. How would I go about doing this? I added 20 lbs very slowly but now I am fighting cyno aka red algea, what should I do? Want more sand. I used carib sea live sand.:eek:


Can't add sand there I have the "mud" system with a brick of calurpa and the refug is only 3 gals...

reef fool

Active Member
IME, if you add good LS directly from a healthy established system, you will probably not start another mini-cycle. I did it in my 46 gallon reef and once the cloud cleared, the tank never looked better. Everyone was happy and healthy.


Thanks Reef fool, how much and how fast? I want to add enough to get my DSB as soon as I can. Just wnat to do it all in one day

reef fool

Active Member
I did mine all at once. You should check with some others on a DSB in a small tank. If I am not mistaken, I remember someone of experience in the subject (I think it was Bang Guy) stating the pros and cons of a DSB in a small tank.
Good Luck,
I have the ecosystem as well. I added sand to my semi-dsb as well. I have a 29 gallon tank, and I added 10 lbs of live sand at a time. It did not start a new cycle. I recall Bang Guy writing a while back that the creatures in your existing sand bed should have enough inertia to overcome 1/2 inch of sand. 10 lbs of the sand was about right to add around 1/2 inch for my 29 gallon. Keep in mind that I added Live Sand. I now have about a 3-4 inch sand bed. I added a total of 2 bags of sand. I added one bag and then I waited about 3 weeks to add the other.

reef fool

Active Member
Sorry Dindi, I thought you were doing this addition of sand in a smaller tank. No, 75gal is not small. I did it in a 46 gal w/ 60 lbs of LR. Use real LS not just that LS in a bag from the LFS. Sorry for the confusion.


THanks tracklighter, I have a 75 gal a small tank according to some, I want to add about 60 lbs of LS but my current LS base is only 1 in to 2 in can I do this? I have a 75 gal FOWLR tank to add it to. I won't be on the board much longer...could you e-mail me at Jeez this board is awsome!


New Member
I have just taken CC out of my 125g and replacing it with 3" of south down and 1" of ls i don't really care for the sand 4" up on my glass i hope when the sand gets time on it, the ls on the glass wiil
not turn disqusting looking, or will it. I know this is an diff ques.sorry


It's cool smokin' it will definatley be "ugly" up high on your bed, but ugly is good except red algea aka cynoebacteria algea which I'm having trouble with. If you really look at your LFS you will see what I'm talkin' about. Now back to the tread, just a nice deep aka ugly sand bed. I am using LS all the time for my 75 gal what amounts and how long. Please help. and please no hijackers.

reef fool

Active Member
Here is a formula for sand. I believe it is a dry sand formula. The wetter the sand, the less accurate.
Length of tank x width of tank x depth of sand desired x .0579 = lbs of sand needed. (enter all meas. in inches)
for a 75 gal. I believe it would be 48x18x3x.0579 = 150 lbs to add 3". 60lbs would give you a little over an inch more sand.
Reef fool did the calculation for 60 lbs, which would add about 1 inch to your sand bed. So, I would add half of that or 30 lbs at a time. This would increase your dsb by 1/2 an inch. Then wait a few weeks then add the other 30 lbs. Try adding 30 pounds at a time until you get to the depth you want.

reef fool

Active Member
Sounds about right. Just remember that 30 lbs of wet LS is going to yield a little less depth than dry. So maybe use 35 lbs. Although the space your LR takes up might make up for this anyway.
Another tip is to put the sand in a cup( I used the specimen tank like the LFS uses to put fish in before they bag them.) and don't pour it in until you reach the bottom with the cup. Keeps the dust down. Dust goes away, but gets all over your LR.