Deflated Brain


Active Member
No not mine, my open brain coral:rolleyes:
I've had a green open brain coral for over 6 months and it has done well. For the last week or so it looks like it is deflated (like it always did at night) and has pretty much stayed that way. No necrosis, skeleton or excess slime showing.
The rest of my corals all seem fine.
Any thoughts?


What are your water perams.
Double check Temp, calciium, ph/kh.
How old are your lights?


Active Member
do you feed it? Mine does that every now and then with the mouths and feeders extended, so I feed it a tiny bit of chopped squid, shrimp or similar and it puffs back up. I didn't used to feed it like that til I watched it catch some food and eat it.


Active Member
RSD, funny you mentioned lights. They're 65 watt PC's that I installed in March. I was thinking they'd be good for at least a year but I'm starting to wonder.
Debi, I've seen it "catch" a peice of silverside or so in the past. Maybe I'll try some direct feeding and see if that helps.
Last check of params: alk 11; Ca ~450; Sal 1.025, PH 8.2. Amm/Trites 0 with Trates at ~40.


Active Member
Your trates a high. Maybe a good water change or 2 will help it out a little.


What kind of fish do you have in your tank? I had a green brain that was doing great. I bought a flame angel and a few days later noticed that my brain was not coming out so i watched a the flame was picking at it. Just a thought.


Active Member
That's a thought. I'll keep an eye out for that. Haven't added anything new in a long time. Yellow Tang, firefish, 6line, pyjama, red cardinal, scissortail, true perc.