DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
haha you are first on the list for this new ultra rare coral!
I didn't add anything new.
well it doesnt look like you have a whole lot of room to work with!
my lights come in next week i think!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
well it doesnt look like you have a whole lot of room to work with!
my lights come in next week i think!!!
yeah, i don't have any room left lol
can't wait to see how your tank looks with your new lights! =)


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
yeah, i don't have any room left lol
can't wait to see how your tank looks with your new lights! =)
well you can always send some stuff my way so you have some room!

also... do you have MH's? my lfs said i couldnt keep a clam without them... is this true? i do think they are a respectable store so idk?


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
well you can always send some stuff my way so you have some room!

also... do you have MH's? my lfs said i couldnt keep a clam without them... is this true? i do think they are a respectable store so idk?
You are going to have a ton of light on a little tank, so you can keep any clam you want.
I do have metal halides.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
You are going to have a ton of light on a little tank, so you can keep any clam you want.
I do have metal halides.
okay well the fish store said clam will not last very long idk? i hope they are wrong!


Active Member
Lauren.... sorry to be the one to tell you this... but ummmm. Yea I dont believe your new discovery is anything more than a nussance algae. Prob somwthing like Gracilaria sp. Its photosynthetic and can grow incredibly fast. I saw someone on here that had it growing on a single rock and her clowns hosted in it... that was pretty cool. Sorry for the bad news.... I hope Im wrong.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
what's a tunican?

I'm still leaning towards an ultra rare DeMartini coral =) or maybe I'll name it Laurenge (Lauren+orange) lol
A tunican is a rare bird.

Oops, I spelled tunican wrong. lol Its a tunicate. Here is a picture of a tunicate. Its not the one you have, but they are tunicates.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Lauren.... sorry to be the one to tell you this... but ummmm. Yea I dont believe your new discovery is anything more than a nussance algae. Prob somwthing like Gracilaria sp. Its photosynthetic and can grow incredibly fast. I saw someone on here that had it growing on a single rock and her clowns hosted in it... that was pretty cool. Sorry for the bad news.... I hope Im wrong.
It is not a Gracilaria sp. lol


Active Member
If its a cabbage'y leafy type lettuce slimy growth my money is still on a nuissance algae of some type, and def not a tunicate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
okay well the fish store said clam will not last very long idk? i hope they are wrong!
IMO clams will be ok with your lighting, but if you're worried you can always start out with a deresa clam which doesn't require as much light as the other types of clams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Lauren.... sorry to be the one to tell you this... but ummmm. Yea I dont believe your new discovery is anything more than a nussance algae. Prob somwthing like Gracilaria sp. Its photosynthetic and can grow incredibly fast. I saw someone on here that had it growing on a single rock and her clowns hosted in it... that was pretty cool. Sorry for the bad news.... I hope Im wrong.
I got all excited and everything! well this is definitely some
premium algae lol
Originally Posted by m0nk
IDK, but it sure is pretty and colorful!

haha yeah! it's beautiful!!!
Originally Posted by happityLogan

if whatever that is, is actually able to be fragged, I want some. Its awesome looking. :D
I'll send some algae your way


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
A tunican is a rare bird.

Oops, I spelled tunican wrong. lol Its a tunicate. Here is a picture of a tunicate. Its not the one you have, but they are tunicates.
I always wanted some of those! I think they are so pretty!