DeMartini's 18 Gallon ADA


Active Member
I'm thinking mainly zoas and yumas and a clam garden! I want a million mini anemones too, but I can't find any lol I might get into some sps......... you don't even know how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I'm thinking mainly zoas and yumas and a clam garden! I want a million mini anemones too, but I can't find any lol I might get into some sps......... you don't even know how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me know if you do decide to get into SPS and want some monti-cap frags. I've got 2 that would go great in any of your tanks; neon orange and green w/blue polyps. The green w/blue polyps is a bit slower growing, so it probably won't be ready to frag for a while, but I'm sure it'll be good for a small piece when you've got this thing up and running and ready for coral.


Active Member
Thanks Alex! That would be so cool.... I heard that I can't have leathers with SPS.... is this true? they have like some chemical war or something.

coral keeper

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I might give it try... i'm afraid of buying an expensive coral and then losing it because of my stupidity lol I think carbon should be able to remove the toxins.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a list of my corals in my 28 gallon HQI:
lots of diff zoas
all kinds of palys
TONS TONS TONS of diff Mushrooms
diff Rics
Toad stool
Large Cabbage coral
Kenya Tree
Colt Coral
Bubble coral
Metallic Green Torch Coral
Green Candy canes
Galaxy Coral
Purple Brush Gorgonian
Hot Pink Birdsnest
Miami Orchid
Purple tip Acro
SUPER PINK chalice
Tyree Blue chalice
Pink and Green Chalice
Blue with green eyes chalice
3 different encrusting montipora
1 Tear Drop Maxima clam
1 Crocea clam
I think thats it. I'm sure I'm leaving out a few corals that I can't think of. I'm going to get a few more zoas, and 2-3 more SPS. Then I'm done with corals and I'm going to let everything grow out.(I know, I know, I already have a ton of corals. lol)


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Thanks Alex! That would be so cool.... I heard that I can't have leathers with SPS.... is this true? they have like some chemical war or something.
all corals possess some sort of tool for chemical warfare whether it be calcium inhibition agents like in softies or toxins in zoas or stinging cells in LPS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Thanks Alex! That would be so cool.... I heard that I can't have leathers with SPS.... is this true? they have like some chemical war or something.
This is partly true. You can technically help with carbon, but I suppose it does depend on how big the leather is/gets. Most coral has the ability to produce chemical warfare, and I can definitely tell when my mushrooms (not that I even care about these guys....haha) shrivel up a couple times a month because other coral (likely mostly LPS) sends out their chemical warfare.
But at any rate, montis are pretty hardy and might not even be affected.


Active Member
Bornemann has a few pages in his Coral book on this subject. Most of the SPS and LPS do not emit the "chemical warfare" agents. They rely instead on their stinging cells and actual physical contact to gain area in their growth. The leathers do emit chemicals in their quest for space though. You can for the most combat this with a good water change regimen along with running carbon as part of you chemical filtration. The times to really keep an eye on them is when the shed, you should be especially vigilant on the water changes and carbon filtration then. For the most part it should not be a problem and the placement of your coral is important to help alleviate any type of "warfare".