DeMartini's 9 gallon diary

30-xtra high

Active Member
ouch... 150 is a $h1t load, if i were you i'd get a Whiteray shrimp goby.
and just tell the Monterey you are going to inform 30-extra high by giving me one of the strawberries, and furthering my education on them


I agree with 30 extra high. Get Whiteray shrimp goby. There awsome gobies. I have one my self and it just brings the colors out on him. Beautiful little fish. I never seen one b4 in any of my local saltwater fish stores. I got lucky i went to my fav fish store and i spoted him in a 20 gallon with nothing but LR. Glad he was out at the time but yea they r very cool looking fish. I really stole mine 23 bucks. Hope ur other beautiful tanks r doing great! :cheer:
Ur friend Aaron


Active Member
Originally Posted by dcoyle11
Demartini, fill it with "emerald green" rock and fish lol
hmmm... good idea!! lol


Active Member
Flaming prawns are my absolute favorite fish! But I run all my tanks topless and that's a lot of money to go carpet surfing, but if i could afford it I would buy one in a second. Those yasha gobies are pretty and a little cheaper. It's your tank and you seem to be successful in this hobby so go hogwild and buy something cool and unusual for it.


hmm, im thinkin of setting up my own pico. i went to petsmart and they had 2 1/2 gallon tanks. they were rectangle and looked like a shrunk down ten. they were only like 6 inches wide and like a foot long. i would set it up with the nano hang on filter and it would be a coral tank for frags from my 12 ( if i ever get corals haha) . i would stock it with a hermit a small snail and maybe a pompom crab. well that was my idea. still need to see if it will work out, i just got into the hobby a few months ago. ITS SOO ADICTING!!!!!!!!! im thinkin of places for more and more tanks!!!! and im tryin to get my girlfriend into the hobby but she's now interested! so what do ya think?
ps: sorry bout the long post


Active Member, expensive for that small tank.....
instead of getting metal halides for the 14g....i'd get an 24aquapod with metal helides for 350+ and move everything from the 14 into the 24....and start over with the 14. just my opinion. :happyfish


Active Member
I ordered this tank because it's different... I didn't want another cube. It's an awesome tank, so the price doesn't bug me... plus I got my metal halide today and it's awesome over my 14 gallon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by gharner
hmm, im thinkin of setting up my own pico. i went to petsmart and they had 2 1/2 gallon tanks. they were rectangle and looked like a shrunk down ten. they were only like 6 inches wide and like a foot long. i would set it up with the nano hang on filter and it would be a coral tank for frags from my 12 ( if i ever get corals haha) . i would stock it with a hermit a small snail and maybe a pompom crab. well that was my idea. still need to see if it will work out, i just got into the hobby a few months ago. ITS SOO ADICTING!!!!!!!!! im thinkin of places for more and more tanks!!!! and im tryin to get my girlfriend into the hobby but she's now interested! so what do ya think?
ps: sorry bout the long post
that's fine. I just didn't like my pico because it got dirty really fast and it was a pain to scrape the sides of such a tiny tank... because it was such a small tank the 7 watt light made the corals I added very happy and puffy! It was a cool little tank when it was clean! that's the link to my pico thread.
this looks like a pretty good pico.


Active Member
I was so excited about this tank.... it arrived yesterday looking like this...

I decided to return it (obviously) I no longer want an acrylic tank after seeing this one!
I may set up a 7 gallon ADA tank. These are awesome tanks!
I was also considering the 5 gallon cadlight tank... I would retrofit the T5 fixture and add a metal halide.