Dendros, Balanos, and more!!


Active Member
well i went the LFS today and asked the guy what it was. he said it was dead and that the polyp sticking out was jsut aiptasia....although i would bet my life that it isnt because i know it wasnt. there was only one polyp out today, compared to the 4 that were out yesterday. well the guy jsut gave it to me because he was convinced that it was dead and the tank had red flat worms. i kept saying it looks kinda like some type of dendro or balano but he kept telling me it was just dead.... lol. i blew it away with a powerhead in my fowlr to try to remove any flatworms. i have a CBS in there so flatworm takeover is not an issue. and i jsut put it in my reef. ill try to get a pick when it opens up.


Active Member
so i really have no idea what this is.... do you think this is some type of dendro Viper? or jsut a black sun coral taht has lsot all of its tissue?
when i got it home, i let the one polyp open that was in the store today and decided to feed it some cyclops-eeze. by the end of the feeding, there were 5-6 polyps out.... here is the best pic i could do, even though it is still horrendous.....



Active Member
It looks like just a sun coral that hasn't been fed enough, hence the receding tissue. I'd be interested to see how it's grown up in a year or so though. Looks like potentially something really nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
It looks like just a sun coral that hasn't been fed enough, hence the receding tissue. I'd be interested to see how it's grown up in a year or so though. Looks like potentially something really nice.
yeah... i was thinking that... i thought it looked like a sun coral with tissue recession, but i dont realy know a lot about denros and balanos or anything since my LFSs never sell them, so i wasnt sure... well ill feed it every day or so and we shall see how it does. thanks!