My LFS suggested that I get a denitrator as well. I am sorry, but I have very limited info, as I dont have my tank set up or anything yet. I have been doing alot of research and reading on items that are really helpful, and those that may make keeping a reef easier, but not necessarily helpful. Chris103 is correct in the way that it works, but it seems that its really only helpful if you have no desire to do regular water changes. My LFS says that he changes the water on his tanks every 6 months, and that the denitrator keeps everything level, as long as it is monitored. There is a device called an "ORP Monitor" that measures the nitrates in the water, and depending on tank volume allows you to adjust the drip to keep up with the bio-load. Now, with all that said, I am not against having one, but IMO it is not necessarily heplful, but just allows you to go with fewer water changes.