Deployed Husband....Need Help


:help: My husband 75g has a large leather coral that has somehow gotten sucked up into the powerhead. It has done a very good job of it. Now What do I do? I am hoping that it will shrink itself down and just fall out.... but I'm not holding my breath. Can I cut the corner of it off? it is already damaged and I dont' want to pollute the rest of the tank.
Oh the things that happen while the Chief Tank Taker Carer is gone...
Any and all advice would be great.


Active Member
So the powerhead is off and the Leather is still stuck in the inlet...??
Probably should just stick your clean hand in there and gently pull it out...and then turn the powerhead back on...(circulation is good, especially for a damaged leather)
What part did you want to "cut off" the damaged part or the part still stuck in the powerhead...??
Again don't cut it loose and leave the powerhead "plugged" with a chunk of the leather...pull it out...
Reset the leather in a safe location so it "won't get sucked back in but still get some flow to help "blow off" it's slime coat and heal...You may not have to do surgery on the injury if it's not too severe..


Ok, my thought was to cut the part that was still stuck in the powerhead. I just looked at it again and most of it is out. There is still a couple of small corners still stuck.(yes the power is off). This morning I turned the lights off to try and "relax" it and it has taken all day to get to this point. Should I just let it go for tonight and then check it in the morning and then figure out what to do then? I will say this, the cut won't be as big as it was earlier.


Active Member
Come on now...
Just stick your hand in there and pull the little bugger out...
Your not "afraid" are you...:eek:


YES I AM!!! We are talking about one of my husbands favorite corals here.... I have already messed up the 180g. OKay the 180g not my fault truth be told, who knew that you could "kill" two pumps in two weeks, and now look two weeks later, the corals are starting to act up. I'm not doing very well in keeping the mini oceans working..........