Depot got the Tropical Play sand for me!!!!


jackie dh

I can't believe that even got the right stuff! One thing though, it says right on the bag that it's not for aquarium use. Is that just because they sell the high end stuff too, or is it on the dirty side? I got it for $2.99 a bag too! I Love a bargain!
I bought a 30 lb bag of the high end stuff last week and it was fairly dirty, I rinsed it good and it still made an awful foam and my tank was cloudy for two days. I guess that I can expect the same for the play sand? It look like exactly the same stuff.

jackie dh

It's called Tropical Play Sand. Home depot sells it in some parts of the country. It's white Aragonite sand and a lot of folks here swear by it. And it's one heck of a lot cheaper than what you buy at the FS, and when you need as much as I do, it's worth hunting down. I got 250 pounds for $15, but it was misspriced, it should have cost $25 but who am I to argue with Depot!

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like the right sand...I was lucky to locate a hobbyist that had some he could spare...Home Depot around here doesn't carry it. I wouldn't rinse it though...the fine particles that you'd wash away are one of the positive aspects of the fine grade sand. In time they will settle....or it can be pre-cured to prevent excessive cloud storms. The reef forum had a great thread about pre-curing sands try a search for info.
By the way where in Southeast Missouri are you located? I grew up in Fredericktown and spent several years in Cape Girardeau...sure do miss seeing hills and trees and streams!!!

jackie dh

I was in Cape Thursday! I bought a new 120 at Sunny Hill pet center. I live south of Poplar Bluff, not far from Current River, Talk about trees! I own 25 acres of them.... I love having woods, all the wildlife is cool, the deer come right into our yard.


New Member
Hey Jackie DH,
That is great that you got a bargin:cheer: I live just north of Kansas City and was in a KC Home Depot today and they told me they couldn't get it. He even called the buyer while I was standing there. He did check the stores in MO, KS, OK and TX and none of them had it. Did they order in a bunch or just what you wanted. If so Can you give me the name of the town. I am not working tomorrow and might make a road trip if possible. Thanks for any info. Again Congrats on getting the good stuff cheap:D

jackie dh

Here's the UPC code 09064201002 At least I think that's the right one, I've been given more than one. I took these numbers to my Depot and they found the sand right away. They transfered just as much as I needed and there was no delivery charge. I think that it came from Ill. But, since I have slept since then, I'm not sure!
I'll ask hubby later.

nm reef

Active Member
Sure do miss that area...I'm familiar with the Current and most of that area. I grew up just north of you. I haven't been back to visit in several years but the wife and I may be back there this summer for a few weeks if all goes well.