these guys get big, and under the right conditions will double in size in 1 year. Not to say theyll get exactly 24 inches and grow exactly 2 inches a year, may be more or less on growth, and may probably be less that 24 inches. deresas like to be places on subsrate and not on rocks like maximas and croceas
average growth rate
Derasa-6 cm per year(2.3)
max size
Derasa-62 cm (24in)
this is for deresas and squamosas taken from ezcompany on --:
"These clams are much more forgiving in terms of light than the upper two tridacna species [maxima and crocea]. Assuming they are not placed in a nano due to the size they can reach, they will be happy under metal halides of some sort, but will suffice with vhos, or even power compact lighting. There is no exact number for the wattage of the bulbs, but the “safe” amount of lighting would be anything above 100 watts of compact fluorescents in depths of less than 20 inches provided they are directly under the bulbs. T-5s are recommended over your regular power compact lighting, and a Squamosa will soak up Metal Halide lighting very happily."