Des you LFS charge for water tests? Amarillo'ans Please read


Yea it was Bubbles. I was shopping there when the Wolfs opened it up 15 years ago. Before that it was Land and Sea Pets. I think Petsmart did them in. But ya know Petsmart did not jack their prices up either :)
I am beating a dead horse here about Fishpros, but it just hacks me off.


Active Member
If bubbles hadn't started selling those ugly little dogs instead of concentrating on the market they originally started wih, they might have made it atleast a while longer. Once they started setting up for all of those mammal it started getting kind of depressing looking in there.


New Member
many years ago in a land far, far away... there was a little old lady that ran a lfs in Amarillo called Bubbles.... To this day I have never been in a lfs that was as well run had employees with the knowledge and caring attitude as Bubbles did back then. I dont know if she was the owner then or not but the place sure went downhill fast with the prices going uphill fast when she fell ill. To bad it happened like that but such is life I guess.

nm reef

Active Member
I was in Bubbles once about 18 months ago...I wasn't impressed. Poor conditions and really high prices! Most of my local business goes to Aquara Lease in Lubbock. But even Kyle's prices on corals and fish have gone up recently.
As for having a LFS test my water I only have that done when I question the results of my own tests. I do it then basically for comparrission purposes. I'd advise anybody that has a reef to have access to a wide range of tests.
I keep ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/ I have calcium/alkalinity/phosphates/magnesium...all of my current test kits are Saliferts.:cool:


Active Member
Hey NM Reef, can I start coming to your house for comparison tests? And to get my calc, alk, and mag tested? :D