desire of reef info.


New Member
Sorry I went to the wrong forum for information. I want to find out some info. on turning my tank into a reef tank. I have 4 inches of crushed coral and a little LR and some damsels and clowns to cycle it I know it is months down the road but I wonder when it is safe to add more LR With the big expence at first I didn't get 80lbs. of LR. So is there a time frame I need to know on adding anything???? I know patience is an understatement. But I started this with the intent of raising a few fish with coral in this 80gal.tank. HELP please I am Lost now. :confused: :eek: :confused:


New Member
If you can afford it, I recommend that you place all of the live rock in the tank while it is cycling. Your ammonia and traes levels are sky high any ways. Sometimes if you place the rock in after the tank has cycled, it will have to cycle all over again. Trust me, I know from experience. I tried doing it that way and almost killed all of my fish because the levels got soooooo high. HTH.


Active Member
It is okay to add LR as you can afford it, but the tank must be completely done with the cycle. You will be able to add LR as long as it is cured, this will prevent you from getting a new cycle by introducing too much die-off.
Its what I did to setup my reef. First I had about 10lbs and some gravel, after it cycled I added 45lbs of cured LR, a bag of Natures Ocean LS(bioactive) and never got an ammonia reading, no problem.


New Member
Well it all depends on if u really care about a couple of damsels. Curing live rock will make amonia spike, damsels could probobly live throught it but your clown might not. Also, you might want to think about changing your crushed coral into a sand bed for a reef tank. Most pet stores will take damsels for credit also, that is if you can catch em. Good luck.


New Member
Well right now I have 2 LR with a total of 18LBS which was cycled by the store. So you say it is save to add more?? Everything seems to be doing ok I just don't want to hurt anything and can I leave the coral and add sand?? :confused:


Cherokee933 when you cure LR you do it in a seperate tank or container. It should cycle and after it has then you add it to your existing tank with no side affects.
CC I believe can act as a Ph buffer which you don't want in a reef tank. I would take the stuff out and just go with LS.