Desjardini Sailfin Tang

Hey I was wondering about anyones experience. I've got a 150 gal. reef tank, with lots of live rock, and I was wondering what you guys thought about adding a small Desjardini (red sea) Sailfin Tang with a yellow tang, in a tank that size? Do you think they would fight or would they have enough space to get along?


I have a Purple and a regular Sailfin in a 75 and they get along great. I would say as long as you add them at the same time you would be fine. You want them to be about the same size though. If the yellow is already in there then QT him and move some rocks around so that they will both be "new" to the tank at the same time.


I have a sailfin in my 125 with a yellow and they are fine. I added the yellow after the sailfin and sailfin was and is quite a bit larger than the yellow. They actually swim together, or did until I added a powder blue to the mix, now they just chase the powder blue around. I rerranged the rocks and now the tension has gone down along with there has been some time. In a 150 I don't think you will have a problem.


Active Member
How do your Sailfin Tangs do eating macro algae? Non-stop, eats some, doesn't eat any? Thanks!


I have a desjardini sailfin with a hippo. They get along fine. In a 150 they'll go together fine. They might bicker at first, but they'll get used to each other quick with that tank size.


no experience with them but i assume they would.......i wouldn't but one in a sps reef (inles over 200g) cause of the waste issue though.....but thats only if you love your sps color more then the tang


The waste from a sailfin tang shouldn't be an issue with a tank with as much flow as an SPS tank should have. Any SPS tank that it could be an issue in would be too small for a sailfin anyway. I don't have much macro algae so I can't say whether or not he eats it - if he does, it's gone before I even notice it. My coworker had a normal sailfin tang and had a huge outbreak of green hair algae - the sailfin munched it down like me consuming a 16 oz filet mignon and king crab legs with drawn butter. :D


Badkharma- do you speak from experience????.......i think anyone trying to keep an sps dominate tank should consitrate on keeping the sps as colorful as possible........having to feed a 12" Sailfin is going to produce a ton of phosphate....and on top of it the sailfin is going to release a ton more phosphate out by pooping.........if you are keeping sps and want the absolute best growth and color i suggest stocking small fish and if you have a +150 tank you can keep some of the smaller tangs (llike yellow and purple)........but that is just my take on it


but on the other hand......alot of ppl do mix big fish and lots of them with sps....look at Brooklyn Johny's tank...he has many of his rare fish in there including a very healthy and large regal and a few tangs......but he probaly knows that he is sacrificing some color and growth by keeping these fish