Desjardinii won't eat!


I got a couple of new fish Saturday, a Black and White clown and a Desjardinii Sailfin. I have them both in quarantine. The clown eats like a pig, just about anything I feed him. The Sailfin doesn't seem interested in anything. I have tried Frozen brine, frozen mysis, Pellets, and seaweed/algae sheets. It isn't eating at all. It has good color and looks healthy overall. Anything else I should try or should I just give it a couple more days? Thanks.
You could try soaking his food in some garlic, but I don't think there is any need for panic yet it's only been two days. He is still stressed and acclimating to his new surroundings.


It still isn't eating. It also seems to be getting really weak and still hardly comes out of the bottom corner. I had to turn off my ph because it got too close and stuck to it. It's only a Koralia nano. Doesn't have much suction. Don't know what to do now. Doesn't look like it's going to make it. Any ideas?


Active Member
tangs need a really long time getting used to their new surroundings. when u got him at the store was he in a larger tank than yours? if so then its not used to being in a smaller tank, it feel vulnerable. give it time he will eat. just put some algae sheets in there and leave it for a day or two without disturbing it.


He's just about gone. It's struggling to swim. Can't hardly stay upright even though there is hardly any current now. This sucks.


Active Member
Sorry to hear this, sounds like he's going to be too far gone.
I've had my sailfin a few weeks now -- and he didn't start with the normal tang appetite, the only thing he wanted at first was flake or algae sheets... but now eats brine and spiriluna pellet (hand fed those actually).
He won't touch mysis -- soaked in garlic or selcon. Picky.. but now he's a pig if he knows what it is and had it before but he did a lot of taste testing first. My big thing when possible is watching the fish eat before you buy him and try offering that same food at first until they are comfortable.


Active Member
it took my achilles over a week to eat.he didnt look good either if you only have a nano pump in there he is probaly dying of lack of oxygen.
tangs need alot of flow for air.
my qt has a 550 gph pump a korilia 3 and a koralia 4 in it.
is he breathing heavy? if so add a big pump to the tank.


There is a HOB filter and a skimmer in the tank. I meant, the power head is only a nano and is still sucking him up.


Active Member
what size tank is it?
if he is short on air he will be weak.
my achilles did the same thing when i got him.
i added a ton of flow and made him swim also adding alot of oxygen he came around within an hour.
dont let him just lay and float make him want to stay alive.
put another pump at the top of the water facing down .
fish will live for at least a couple weeks without food but not long without eneough air.