Destructive Damsels!!!



I relocated and moved my tanks. As part of the move the LR was all re-organized and now 1 of my yellow-tailed damsels has lost it's mind! Apparently, he/she now wants the entire tank to him/herself and has nearly killed the other yellow-tailed damsel. Is this normal? These 2 had been together in this tank for since 12/2003 without any aggression issues. I know damsels are aggressive by nature but this seems to be extreme. Has anyone seen this happen before?
The tank is going thru a mini-cycle since the move but nothing too bad. Could this contribute to the aggression?
For now, the poor guy has been moved to the 'fuge for recovery. If it survives, I think I'll have to call it "super fish" or the "indestructable one". I've never seen a fish survive this kind of damage but he doesn't seem ready to give up.
If this fish should survive and recover, should I attempt to re-introduce it to the main tank or should I try and trade it with the LFS for credit?
I've considered getting a blue or domino damsel for the main tank just to restore order and balance to the force. :)


the reason this most likely happened is because before you moved the rock around, there were territories and heirarchy established. when you moved the rock, territories are changed so they must be established again. thats what causes the fighting. and the reason its worse now is because damsels get more aggressive as they age. when you first added them couple years ago, they were probably young ones and are less aggressive.
you can always try to reintroduce him back to the main tank, but most likely it will be harassed again. try removing the bully, add the recovered damsel and let him establish his territory for a week or so, then add the bully back into the main tank
good luck!


Thanks for the feedback.
Everytime I've ever tried netting a fish in a tank full of LR, it's required a total tear down. Is there a better way?


there are some ideas on this forum that involve plastic soda bottles, and some people swear by it. i dont know the practice of it. search the forums or post another thread asking for help to remove the fish!


New Member
I tried the plastic soda bottles several times...
...unfortunately for me they didnt work
...had to tear the whole tank down to get to them and in the process smooshed my anemone :mad: ...wasnt pretty...lesson learned...I still have one...he is smaller and doesnt seem to be as aggressive...good luck...


Active Member
They killed everything in my tank.
I had no idea it was them until I finally caught them in the act of destroying my clown fish!! Just say they will never bother any of my fish again............. :thinking:
I turned them in to my oet store........................sheesh i hated them but I am not cruel enough to flush like i was told to do by one store.


I feel your pain... Glad he decided to pick on another damsel instead of my Neon Dottyback.
Anyone here know how to make a mini-harpoon? ;)


Originally Posted by sea_squirt
I tried the plastic soda bottles several times...
...unfortunately for me they didnt work
...had to tear the whole tank down to get to them and in the process smooshed my anemone :mad: ...wasnt pretty...lesson learned...I still have one...he is smaller and doesnt seem to be as aggressive...good luck...
I tried the plastic bottle thing too...and it didn't work for me either. But there are lots of people here who have tried these "homemade fish traps" and had success


New Member
Originally Posted by bacardi151
Anyone here know how to make a mini-harpoon? ;)

Ummm....tooth pick and rubberband.....mounted on chop sticks?????? :thinking:


How about a very small fish hook, fishing line and a small peice of shrimp? No, serious! You could try and file down the barb so its not so hard to get back out.