Deteriorating rock...


Quick question. I purchased a coral that was attached to a small piece of rock. After a week of being in my tank, the small rock it was attached to is starting to deteriorate. My concern is that the coral is not attached the main LR and the coral will then have nothing to attach to. I used epoxy to attach the coral to the LR and it is holding. As for the coral, it is very healthy and doing well. Should I be concerned? Should I frag this coral to another piece of LR?
Thanx in advance--Bob


Not sure what type of coral but I have had very good luck letting leathers re-attach themselves as they see fit.


The coral is a Xenia. It is doing very well, all polyps pulsing and fully extended. Just the rock it came on is starting to disintegrate. My concern is that it won't attach to the LR he was placed on. I suppose I couls epoxy him directly to the LR, but I don't want to damage the Xenia by removing him from the rock. Thoughts? --Bob