Determining refugium Size???


Well-Known Member
Obviously the larger the refugium the better. I got the largest plastic container that would fit sideways in my stand. I have heard that refugiums should be 20-40% of display area. Of course that would depend upon how much plant life you have in the display also.
most recommend a slower flow rate to prevent all the pods from being moved into the display. But obviously some flow is desirable. You do have to circulate the water from the display to the refug.
In my combined sump/refug, I originally used just a power head. later I upgraded that to a mag5. It is a 15g container with a diy filter box. Because it is a combined sump/refug the water level is at about the 3/4 point to allow for power outages. I now realize that I seperate refug would allow more water height so live and learn.
that said calcium has risen (using crushed oyster shells) and I have sucessfully removed the HOB tetratec filter. So it has been useful.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Pooh Tang
So, an old 30g tank would work good then?? What kind of pump or powerhead would you recommend?

if it is just going to be a refugium and is about the same height as the display, then a simple powerhead would work.
If it is going to be a sump and say 5' below or above the tank, then something like a mag5 may be needed.
Mine if 4-5' below my tank and the mag 5 really made a difference.
If you are going to have a large height difference, then a lot of the volume will have to be for insuring power out does not result in a flood. So perhaps 20g in normal running to allow 10g to flow from the display during power outages.
Hope that makes sense.