trying to pick the right inverts to purchase for cleaning up detritus and other wastes in my tank
ibew Active Member Aug 3, 2006 #1 trying to pick the right inverts to purchase for cleaning up detritus and other wastes in my tank
lt34 Member Aug 3, 2006 #2 So far, my best clean-up crew has been the snails. I have 2 Mexican Turbo, 5 Margarita, and 10 Astriea. I have a 90 gallons and they said with the Mexican turbo 1 per 20 gallons. Hope this helps.
So far, my best clean-up crew has been the snails. I have 2 Mexican Turbo, 5 Margarita, and 10 Astriea. I have a 90 gallons and they said with the Mexican turbo 1 per 20 gallons. Hope this helps.