detrivore kits in cycling tanks ?



Def. wait until cycle is over. I wasted quite a bit of money (and pods, worms & mini-stars) in a cycling tank. The idea was to create a live sand bed to seed my show tank with. The result was lots of sand with hydrogen sulfide (poison black spots) and dead pods. This happened because 1) tank was cycling 2) no sand sifting creatures established to stir & oxygenate the sand.
(would have had to have a cycled tank for the sand sifting creatures like goby, etc. to survive.)


huh @ goldfish? Don't have fish in the tank? Guess if it is not an established show tank. Otherwise, add the stuff at night while the fish are inactive.
??? Curious now


Active Member
golfish is right, but yes sandy you can ad a det kit to an established tank also, it just takes alot more precaution and not 100% will survive, but it can still be used(just like you said)
anyhow, i would wait until post cycle to get them


sorry golfish lol.
I wasn't thinking about the particular thread. Oops. I agree, of course, no fish in a cycling tank. And def. no detrivore kit.
Let the tank cycle with LR and maybe a little established LS. Let the tank mature well before adding any stock. Fshhub gave me a great tip when he suggested I add the detrivore kit at night in my ESTABLISHED tank.
Unfortunately, I also added part of the kit in a cycling tank and NOTHING LIVED (xcept bristle worms). It was a serious waste of money and a mistake I won't make again. Not only did I lose the pods, etc. that I wanted to breed, but I had to toss the sand as well b/c of h. sulfide.