Detroit Area LFS???


If your looking for something rare that's the place...did you talk with anyone? If so, we they cool or know-it-alls?


They weren't very friendly so I stole a bunch of stuff.
Just kidding about the stealing but I was serious about the friendliness.


I went to Atlantis today. Spoke to the owner. He was SUPER nice. I am thinking of setting up a new 120-130g and he told me he would give me a great price on the entire setup. He gave me some numbers too. He was lower than anywhere else. I will definatly go back there. Their prices on fish seemed reasonable too, all their tangs looked good. Most places have tangs filled with ick.
As for Aquatice Disc. Most of the guys are jerks. The one owner is nice, but I have only seen him 2 times total I think. One other young guy was nice, he specialzed in tank setups. Only saw him one time though, a while back. Everyone seemed nicer a year to two ago when they first opened. Probably to establish a clientele because they were new. Now they just seem like they have egos. Like they are "the best". Still a cool store to visit though. The tanks are nice. My son loves it because they are so big. He is hypnotized by the place.


Active Member
what about haus of pets i think in plymouth?you know that place with all the exotics i havent been theer since i started doing the fish they do salt water ?if so are they any good


Glad to hear that about Atlantis. He is setting up my 150 and is really beating everyone's price. I've really been shopping this and he's done the best. He'll deal me just talk to him and he'll knock off money. I've only bought corals from him so far, but all are doing well....some clams, shrooms, and hammer. A friend of mine has bought two fish there and an eel all are doing great.


Thanks Beth.
I think I am going to go in again today and purchase the Flame Angel he has. I had him price out a 120g set up, but now I think I am going to do a 180. We'll see.


I'll find you the address, but if your making the trip from Brighton best to check out Aquatic Discoveries...its something to see just from the sure size of the place, but to buy Atlantis is your place.


Never been to House of Pets in Plymouth. I think they do have SWF, but I have no idea what kind of selectinon:thinking:.


New Member
I go to fish doctor in Ypsi. it is right next to putt putt on Michigan ave. They are very friendly and helpful. They are not just out for a buck, they let you know pros and cons.