Devil's Finger Leather


I purchased a yellow finger leather yesterday. I have tremendous succes with toadstool and cabbage leathers, colts, and shrooms, so I ventured to try out the finger leather. It is droopy right now (unlike at the lfs where it was erect). Just wondering if this droopiness is a noral reaction (acclimitizing to my set-up), or should I be concernrd? Thanks, TT.


I acclimatized it for about an hour. Water parameters are fine: pH 8.3, ca 450, sal. 1.025, alk 4.5 meq/L, nirate 5. lighting consists of power compacts 3.3 wpg. Not in strong current and placed mid way up the tank.


Well it is perking up this Saturday morning, so I guess it was simply adjusting to its new surroundings. Does anyone else have one of these? I have seen photos of larger ones. The claw shapes of some are creepy. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> yet fascinating. Thanks, TT.


i have a couple of frags that seem to droop like you say periodically throughout the day. i thought this was normal. my water tests about the same as yours. am i wrong? is this not normal? they dont seem to be growing very fast either..