New Member
Saturday afternoon I purchased a diamond goby at my local LFS (they quarantine for you!). I brought him home and used the drip method to acclimate him for 3 hours. When I tried to net him out of my 5 gallon bucket, he flipped out and started jumping. I placed the plastic lid on the bucket and just waited until he calmed down. When the jumping stopped, I removed the lid and he wasn't jumping anymore but was listing to the side once in a while. He appeared to be a little stunned. I put him in my display tank and he seemed to swim fine over to a corner. He stayed in that corner until we went to bed that night. He did move/scoot a little when others would swim by him (no one was picking on him though). When I woke the next morning, we couldn't find him anywhere. I know that they dig holes under rocks and hang out there so I wasn't too worried. But today is day 3 in the tank, and I still haven't seem any sign of him. I have eggcrate and a canopy on my tank, so he couldn't have jumped out. I checked my overflow to see if he got in there, but no sign of him. Should I be worried? Do you think he is just shy and still hiding? I keep looking for signs of the sand being disturbed, but nothing obvious. Could he have dug a hole and died in it? I hate to start digging around and taking out rocks looking for him. If he is alive, that would scare the cr_p out of him. What should I do?