Diamond Goby is still hidin'

jonny bolt

Hi. I was wunderin' if anyone else has/had a diamond goby that was very shy after introduction to the tank? I put him in Saturday night, and he hung around out front for the first 10 minutes. Then he disappeared "into the branch". I saw him one more time early Sunday morning, about 6.5 hours after putting him in....I looked in the "Predator Cave" and saw him move. Now I have not seen him since, he is not in there anymore, and I can see no trace of him. My question is, what is longest anyone has waited for one of these to get used to a tank and feel safe? I wonder because I am not sure when it is time start moving my LR to try and find him. Should I give him another day or 2? :notsure:


I'd wait a few days. It took mine 3 or 4 days to come out. Look under some of the rocks also because they like to burrow.


Awesome fish,congrats . Mine really prefers to come out after my halides go off and just the actinics are on. Hes a burrower and has a super personality .

jonny bolt

Thanks much for the replies :)
yesterday afternoon, I looked over into my tank real quick, and did a double-take lol.....there he was perched on one of the Tonga Branches lying across the sand. He hung out there and looked at me for awhile haha, then took off. Then today, he's been out in the front of the tank for a better part of the day! Seems he is learning that he's the Boss of the tank, cuz he was the first fish in, and he's the only one at this point lol. I can also see lines and waves in the sand, so I assume he is burrowing and lookin' through theya.
I wanted to make sure he had some added food, so I got some dry shrimp. But I wasnt sure if he was eating the canned shrimp I put in the sand for him, so I went and got some live brine's and put some in there. Still not sure if he gobbled any up.....I saw them floating by him, and although he would twitch and jump a bit, he didnt really go after 'em. Anyways, I hope he isnt starving.
But atleast he's finally come out :)


Speaking of Diamond Gobies… here is a funny story for yall…
We (my gf and I) got a diamond gobie on Sat (3/12). We named him Sr. Spotsalot, or Spots for short. We drip acclimated him for two hours before putting it in the tank. Once in the tank, he swam around for about 10 minutes, then started to burrow under the lr and didn’t come out all night. That night around 1:30 in the morning, I awoke to my girl friend running around the apartment. Apparently Spots had found the only opening in the hood and jumped out of the tank and landed on the floor. We have a cat that likes to sit next to the tank and fish watch. Luckily the cat, Tigger, was not around, but a few fur balls were. So my girl friend heard Spots flip out of the tank and hit the floor. She ran over to rescue him. Poor little Spots, gasping for breath, covered in cat hair, and flipping madly like a “fish out of water”:hilarious: . So what does my gf do?? Put him right back into the tank?? NO!!! She runs to the kitchen and tries to rinse the hair off in the sink!!!! I’m thinking that this fish is a goner for sure!! So with most of the hair off, my gf returns spots to the tank. We watch with sadness as his lifeless little body drifts like a falling feather to the bottom of the tank
. But just as he bumps into some LR, he sprang to life and started doing laps around the tank at what seemed to me warp 7!!! :jumping:He finally came to rest about 2 minutes later in the corner and stayed there all night. He was so stressed out that he didn’t even notice me reach in and grab the last of the cat hair that was stuck to his dorsal fin. The next day, (Noon Sunday) we took a peak into the tank to check on Spots. He was no where to be seen, but the new 2” mound of sand next to the base of the LR told me that Spots was alive and well and had finished digging out his new home. He has stayed in his cave the whole first part of the week. Last night (Wed) we saw him for the first time out swimming around the tank “eating” up the gravel. He seem very happy, and has a great personality!
So the moral of the story… Leave no holes in your hood big enough for your gobie to jump through, and give him a few days to get used to your tank before he will come out of his cave.
I would also suggest not moving the LR around to look for him. He is stressed enough just being new to your tank, he will only get more stressed if he has to keep digging out a new cave.

jonny bolt

lol. Thats a great story. :D
Turns out mine is an Orange Spotted Goby lol. He's a smaller type, I think they call 'em "Shrimp Goby's". He's still cool though. I think he's funny


Active Member
do you have any pics of your diamond gobies? i have never seen one b4 and was curious to what they look like


Active Member
dhughesz28, I have a similiar story but it does not end with a good ending like yours unfortunately. What happened was that I acclimated mine for the normal time, a good two hours or so and then added him to the tank at about 11 or 12 at night. Well, the next day I woke up and I could not find him anywhere. Well, I had to go to work, so I just hoped he would surface when I got home. I got home around dinner to look again and he was still nowhere to be found. After about a half-hour of looking with just my plain eye, I decided to give up and I opened my cabinet just to check my water level in my wet/dry and see that everything was okay in there. Well, it turns out that my diamond goby found the only tiny hole I have on my tank and it just so happens that this is next to my internal mega flow overflow box (one that goes all the way down to the bottom of the tank). Well, he found this hole and jumped through it, landing in the overflow box. From there, he went into the plumbing that I have in there that leads to my wet/dry. Well, he went through the plumping, into my pool hosing that connects to my wet/dry and he was dead on my poly fiber pad that I have on my wet/dry. I could not believe it!
Now however, I sealed up the opening totally with poly fiber padding and purchased another diamond goby. Well, he is doing spectacularly now for the past 4 days and I am quite happy. It is just tragic the way the first diamond gobyt that I had perished.
Jonny Bolt, I am glad yours is doing well now though!

jonny bolt

Lion, that sucks man. It's how fish can find the only holes and get themselves into trouble!
I think my friend has a Diamond Goby, he's pretty big now and he's wickid cool. He's either a Diamond or a Cave Transparent Goby. Still not 100% sure on that.
But mine is definitely not a Diamond like I originally thought. He's an Orange Spotted Goby, cuz he has the darker "feets" lol. His bottom fins are black, and he is much smaller than my friends Goby, which has no black on him at all.
I wickid want to get my Six Line Wrasse today. One of the LFS's is getting a shipment of new fish today. But I think I should wait. I cant decide!


Active Member

Originally posted by Jonny Bolt
I wickid want to get my Six Line Wrasse today. One of the LFS's is getting a shipment of new fish today. But I think I should wait. I cant decide!

If there's any doubt, then wait.


Active Member
I wickid want to get my Six Line Wrasse today. One of the LFS's is getting a shipment of new fish today. But I think I should wait. I cant decide!
if it just came in today and you realy want him have the store hold him for you for 2 weeks give them a small deposit to hold and after his 2 weeks of making sure hes healthy then go back and pick him up.the stress of him being shipped and then acclimated to thier tanks then shipped to the buyers home and the reacclimated is just too much for these guys in to short of a time frame

jonny bolt

Yeah, you guys are right on. Thanks for the good word.
I went in there tonight, actually its last night now, anyway they had a BUNCH of new fish in there. I mean they really stocked up

. I looked in a few of the tanks and there was already dead fish in several of them. However there was some beautiful Angel's and 3 cool Lionfish, as well as a whole lot of really nice Percula's and other Clowns. Alot of fish looked healthy, but man, they really dont put enough live rock and stuff in the tanks, cuz alot of the fish were STRESSED big time, fighting for a hiding spot and stuff. It really sucks that they dont realize this, and put more stuff in for them, 'specially when they get new fish.
Fortunately, this time around, they didnt have any Six Line's in. First time in my life I was actually happy that they didnt get what I wanted lol. It was ok for me to walk out with nothing.
Got a question for Goby owners......will a Six Line harass my little Orange Spotted Goby? I know some Goby's grow larger than others, mine is one of the smaller ones, and he was the first fish I put in cuz I wanted him to be the "boss", and let him scope out all the caves, etc.. I keep reading that a Six Line will probably harrass the hell out of him more than any other fish. Anyone have any experience with these 2 fish together? If it matters, the only other fish I have so far besides the Goby is a baby tank-raised Maroon Clown.


Active Member
<anyway they had a BUNCH of new fish in there. I mean they really stocked up

. I looked in a few of the tanks and there was already dead fish in several of them. However there was some beautiful Angel's and 3 cool Lionfish, as well as a whole lot of really nice Percula's and other Clowns. Alot of fish looked healthy, but man, they really dont put enough live rock and stuff in the tanks, cuz alot of the fish were STRESSED big time, fighting for a hiding spot and stuff>
I think I would be looking for a new LFS.every store has had its bad moments with fish dying as fish keepers we know how that works.but when you walk into a LFS and there are dead fish in alot of the tanks that tells me they dont know what they are doing.it is theer duty to make sure we purchase healthy fish we pay damned good money for them.if they cant even acclimate their own fish properly how in the world are we to trust them for sound advise?not to knock any online stores but this is one reason i have yet to pruchase any fish from online i like to see where my pets come from. a picture is wort a thousand words, but seeing is beleiving

jonny bolt

Right on man. I agree with ya totally.
Finally got some pics of my Orange Spotted Goby (which I originally thought was a Diamond Goby). His name is Nuddskee, but you can jus call him "Nudd" for short :D