Diamond Goby vs Mandarin


I have a diamond sleeper goby and a Mandarin (both of which i got at the same time) and the daimond is nipping at the mandarins tail fin. This isn't really normal behavior for a diamond goby is it? I know you cant mix them with other sleepers or jawfish but i thought they were peaceful with most other fish.
He doesnt really even aggressivly nip though, like hes not trying to hurt him. And it doesn't seem to bother the mandarin, but his tail fins are getting a little tore up. What should i do?


if its not too bad i would do nothing. you could separate them. bottom dwelling fish can get territorial.


Active Member
when did u get these two fish? the goby is probably territorial when the mandarin gets near. ur profile says u hv a 29 gallon? not sure if thats good enough for a mandarin unless it eats prepared food.

tank a holic

Active Member
yeah I doubt you can maintain enough pods to support a mandarin
if the diamond doesn't kill him (which i doubt he will)
he'll most likely starve