Diamond Goby



Well I have made mistake number 2...bought a fish befor fully studying it. Now I have the diamond goby makeing a big sand pile, a mess, and a cloudy tank.
Will my tank always be cloudy or will the sand slowly compact so it is not so light?
Tank has been up for about 2 months. and he is the only fish in there... If anyone has anything to comment on these little pains please fill free to let me know =)


In your 100 gallon tank he's clouding it up? He's digging a burrow once he finises his renovations the tank should uncloud and he may dig once and a while to fix collapsed parts....Dimonds get big...My LFS hase some that are 6" so be prepared.


My diamond goby digs all the time and makes piles but its never been a problem and its never made my tank cloudy...


if you keep the yop off the tank, it will jump out like my goby did............:scared:


The report from this morning is as is.
I can not even see the back of my tank. that is how cloudy it is...he is working hard, I see him moveing in there...but another thing. I can not locate any of my snails, they are ushally on the glass or the sides or pumps...I can not see any of them. He has a plan for sure...after a couple of hours last night he had one big pile in the middle of my tank, so I thought
I would smooth it back out and fill the hole he made..I came back from my movie and the same hole he dug out again and I know he gave me a look saying "this is my tank from here out" Kinda scared me.


mine loves to pick snails in his mouth and move them around. Its funny to watch him move and arrange everything how he likes it.


I'm setting up a 120 reef soon, and I love the sleeper gobies and the way they dig and move stuff around. That being said, I also want to keep corals and some clams, and I obviously do not want sand being tossed up on, for instance, a clam mantle. Would it be a big issue if the goby was in the tank first, allowing him to setup his "home", and then add, say, a clam later? Or do they constantly toss up sand making it near impossible to keep both?


mine constantly digs. But he doesn't throw it everywhere. He just makes a pile next to the hole/tunnel he is digging.


Wel the tank is a bit cleaer today...he made is home...or might I say homeS has 3 holes.
Question is now that I can not find any of my fighting conches. I hade 4 that were doing great...yesterady I saw there eye peacking out of the sand but nothing today. do these not mix well?
I also have about 10 Nas snails but they are doing fine...I think the mexican turbos I have are a bit annoyed with the Goby as well =)
Anything will help


I picked up one of these guys 2 days ago and he is a wacko, He hasn't clouded up the tank too bad, but he does seem to think that every rock needs a burrow under it. either that or he thinks my rock structure should be sitting on the glass instead of on the sand. So far there is only one base rock left that isn't on the glass. Although we don't entirely agree of the arrangement of the tank decor, I am pretty sure he is my favorite fish.