Diamond Goby


Active Member
Today I bought 2 Diamond Gobies instead of a Bullet Goby. I've already seen him sifting the sand. Does anyone have any experience w/ them??


how big is your tank? how much live rock? how long has the tank been running?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
how big is your tank? how much live rock? how long has the tank been running?
125 gallon w/ 40 gallon sump and skimmer, uv, about 170lbs lr, 150 lbs ls. A week and half. They are maybe 2inches and thats pushing it. I needed something to clean the sand. Do they work as good as bullet gobies?
Am. o
Ites. o
Temp. 80
Sal. 1.023
Cal. 500 i know high
Alk. 4.5
ph 8.4


they will definately keep your sand clean. "will they get enough to eat" is the question. most starve because they basically only eat pods. do you have a fuge?


Active Member
I just bought my first one today too...he was eating frozen, at the store. He was also paired up with a little 1/2" long Pistol Shrimp, so I bought both of them.


nice pick up AW2. it can be tough to get those things to eat. i've been wanting to get a pistol shrimp for my watchman on the way. any reccomendations for species of shrimp?


Active Member
Mine also loves nori sheets, mine tangs rip it apart and he eats all th little pieces that fall to the bottom!


Active Member
yea i have those sheets too but as quick as i can put them in there my tangs have it gone before it can even hit the bottom. 1 question with those. should i feed it to them as quick as they eat it? i have 3 yellows and 1 powder blue, like i said if i keep givinmg it to them they can easly eat 3-4 sheets per day.


Active Member
I also have 4 tangs , I think that 3-4 sheets is good servivng for that many tangs, I dont fed it to them everyday though, maybe every other day.if you want the diamond to get some, you can do like I do and feed the tank frozen and then throw the nori in, cause then they dont eat as much cause of the other foodor you can throw some in on top and put some in a clip at the bottom for them