Diamond Goby


Valencienna puellaris is the scientific name. I have a 29 gallon reef an I would like to get a Diamond Goby but somewhere I read that they should be kept in a 55 gal. or larger only. Anyone have any experience with these guys?


Active Member
We have one in our 125 gallon reef tank, and have had no problems with him whatsoever. Alot of people will tell you, that you need a bigger tank because they eat the pods out of your sand, but ours keeps our sand really white and also eats frozen!!


Thank you for the replies, I would not expect for it to cause problems. I however do not like to put things in a tank where there is not enough room for them to be healthy. I struggle with that because there are so many things I want but can not have them due to my small tank size. Every time I see a Mandarin I drool, but know I can not have one because I refuse to starve it. To have it knowing I can not provide for its needs. AHHH Need a bigger tank! Any way, is the 55 gal rec. for the Diamond goby correct?

reef diver

Active Member
Think so, and lucky for me i just pass the limit. Mine was made slightly larger than 55 gal its 55.159 gallons. Ahh, high school geometry what a pain in the ___


I just added one to my 46 Gal (80 lbs LR and 50-60lbs of Live Sand)...So far he is busy stirring up a sand storm and digging under and arround my LR (which I'm watching closely)...but the sand is "Cleaner" in the areas he's been.
So far he seems OK... I had another that went carpet surfing after about 2 days... I have since added "Egg Crate" and so far, no jumping that I can tell.


Active Member
i got one recently and put him in the QT tank. can these get ich or not? im thinking i want to place him directly in mt DT with all the pods...


So it probebly wouldn't be a good idea to keep a Diamond Goby in a 55 gal that already has a mandarine in it? The tank has a roughly 70 lbs of LR,60 lbs of live sand,and I also have a small HOB refugium.