Diamond Goby


I am thinking about getting a diamond goby soon. My second attempt, the 1st committed suicide from a very small opening on New Years Day ( don't worry I will fix the opening ). The ones I saw the other day at the lfs were very skinny. Do I need to add pods to my tank ? I know they can be hard to feed. Thanks for the advance in advance.


Mine, may he rest in peace, loved Pellets. He was front and center for feeding and didn't the Pellets hit the sand. I plan on getting another in the near future, but first I need to get a handle on my situation.


I don't think you need to feed them in a well established tank. They'll eat left-overs and eat while cleaning the sand. That's what I was told at the lfs and what I notice with my d goby on my tank.
i feed mine all the time, he to was skinny when i bought him. i feed him carnivore frozen mix with a rigid plastice tube conected to an eye dropper. he is the easiest fish to feed in the world. got to love em.


i ordered my diamond goby from swf and received him last week. he is a very healthy little critter. was not skinny at all. he does eat mysis shrimp during feeding.


Ok , so noone thinks I need to add pods ...he will be in the 75g after the quarintine...for a awhile till this summer at least. Do I need to add sand to the qt.


Active Member
If you are adding the goby to the quarantine, you should have sand in there for him because he is a sand sifter.. and it will keep him doing his natural activity. Although they will eat food at feeding time like a regular fish (mine does), if you take the sand completely out of the equation, it might not give good results. :happyfish


Active Member
I just started my second attempt at a Diamond Goby and not sure this one will make it either. My first one was dead within 24 hours, I think because he was stressed by the Bangaii Cardinals in the QT with him. All parameters were good and my Bangaii Cardinals did great in my QT for 3 weeks (they are now in the DT). Today I tried again, and my new Goby is acting weird. He swims with his nose straight down at times, kind of like he's trying to go through the bottom of the tank (it is bare, so maybe that's why). I have a bowl of sand with a PVC pipe half barried in the sand, so he can hide, but he has yet to go in the sand. BUT, I did put three pellets in his tank and he soon ate one, and then a few minutes found another one. I just checked to see if the third pellet was gone and it was. He's now laying sort of on his side in the corner. It's his first day in my QT, so mabye he's just trying to settle down. I just wish he'd hop into that bowl of sand and he'd notice he has a really nice hiding place. I'm so worried I'm going to find him belly up in the morning. I did check my parameters again and all is good, and this time around the Goby is in the tank all by himself (and a green star polyp). Lots of prayers are going up tonight.