Diamond Goby


So I have just a Diamond Goby after upgrading my tank from a 24 gal to a 35 but he is making the water very cloudy I mean very.... i know they shift the sand but I cant even enjoy my tank its so cloudy.... should i take him out and return him? or will it clean up after a bit.


yes it will clear up after awhile they can be a pain in the butt, but in the long run he will find one or two spots that he will claim and just stick to that area. Mine is a hover and can build big big walls in hours he will move shell half his size really cool to watch. good luck. Marla


do you have a dsb, shallow bed, plenium? i had a DG that totally destroyed my plenium. he kept uncovering one corner exposing the screen. constantly had to deal w/ nitrates. hopefully you dont have that problem. goodluck.