I have never had a sick fish. I have always used quarantine... until this fish. My office was too crowded with the new frag tank and an empty qt so I had to give up the empty tank. A few weeks later I decided to buy a very healthy looking sailfin tang from my always great LFS. Since the QT was in the garage and I had always been so lucky I went ahead and put it into the reef.
As you might guess I now know the value of quarantine. Everyday or so I am going to update this post with the latest info and tests. I hope it can serve as a refrence and a lesson that luck doesn't last forever.
8/10/05- purchased the 2" tang and acclimated via drip over 3 hrs into my 125 reef. He ate right off the bat and got along well with the other fish. My Royal Gramma bullied a little but not enough to count. Food includes various (3-4) live algaes from my fuge, frozen brine, chopped krill, blood worms, and small pellets.
Test results:
temp 79
SG 35
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
As you might guess I now know the value of quarantine. Everyday or so I am going to update this post with the latest info and tests. I hope it can serve as a refrence and a lesson that luck doesn't last forever.
8/10/05- purchased the 2" tang and acclimated via drip over 3 hrs into my 125 reef. He ate right off the bat and got along well with the other fish. My Royal Gramma bullied a little but not enough to count. Food includes various (3-4) live algaes from my fuge, frozen brine, chopped krill, blood worms, and small pellets.
Test results:
temp 79
SG 35
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Nitrate 0