diary of my hyposalinity journey


I have been in this hobby for almost 2 years now. Stupidly I never started a QT tank and have never had a problem. Well, of course, things happen. I have a 75/90 gallon DT. I dont know the size because I bought it established from someone else and its a weird brand that is pretty shaped! Its a dutch aquarium system (DAS). I had 3 tangs in the tank (dont drag me into the streets and shoot me tang police), and then lost 2 of them in month. One of these tangs was about 10 years old. These fish had so much personality and really made up my tank, so I bought a powder brown tang from ***** and put it into a tiny 7 gallon QT set up. I dosed it with copper because it seemed to have a white film over it. Not knowing that tangs do not do well with copper, it did not make it. Felt terrible about it. One month later decided to try my hand at it again. Bought a gorgeous scopas tang, and put it right into my DT. Well, one week later the fish starting developing white dots all over it. Within a couple of days it was getting thicker and thicker. My purple tang started getting the spots. One morning my black domino damsel had white on him, by that evening he was dead. This happened 3 days in a row, losing a fish each day that would suddenly have heavy amounts of white on the front of their body and be dead by evening. I had a 45 gallon tank with filter, heater ect ready to be filled. I had contemplated starting this earlier, but things always come up. I had bought a refractometer when I had purchased the powder brown tang, thinking I woudl swap to hyposalinity, but the little guy didnt make it. So after posting several threads, decided to set up an emergency QT. I pulled 25 gallons of water from the established tank and filled the rest with new salt water. I took a cup of substrate from my DT and put it into the QT to get as much helpful bacteria as possible. I began this project about 9:00pm thursday and ended at 3:00am. Was up at 6:00 to go to work. That next night (friday) I pulled all live rock and corals from my DT and caught all of the fish (took about 2 hours to catch those buggers even with 90% of rocks removed.) I drip acclimated them for 3 hours and added them to the tank. Once again in bed about 3am!! Next day tested water params to get ready for hypo.
Ph 8.2
temp 78
trites trates 0
ammonia .5

Salinity 1.025
I added a polyfilter to my HOB filter to help aid in the ammonia. My fish were doomed in the DT, so I had to choose my battle. I can do water changes in the QT to help with ammonia.
-Saturday night removed 2 1/2 gallons and replaced with fresh water before I went to bed. Started off slow.
-Sunday morning salinity 1.023, fish all hanging in there, other params unchanged. Removed another 2 1/2 gallons. Sunday afternoon removed another 5 gallons this time. Sunday night another 5 gallon removed Salinity at 1.016, fish doing great, active and eating.
-Monday afternoon 5 gallons removed. SG 1.014, taking alot more changes to affect the salinity now. Had been adding Ph buffer to water before adding it in. Tested Ph, it was 8.4. No more buffer! Monday night after 4 more smaller changes we are finally at 1.009! YEAH!. All levels are exactly the same as when I began other then difference is salinity. None too soon, my clown fish is looking worse and worse. Ich is eating into stipe on top of her head.
-Tuesday morning. Salinity at 1.009 Yeah
-Tuesday night, all levels good and salinity still at 1.009
-Wednesday, added 1/2 gallon for evaporation to top off. Salinity still 1.009
-Wedneday night, removed 5 gallons and replaced with aged prev mixed saltwater at 1.009. Fish improving already at only a couple days in. Ich is visibly gone from tangs, clown not completely gone but improved greatly. Fish all in great spirits and eating well.
Keep you posted with each day!
PS I was at my chiropracter today and will be again on Friday. Messed my back up really bad from lugging 5 gallon buckets full of water!!!


Yes, bought a refractometer from the big online bidding place, which ended being excellent. Bought it for a total of $21.00 including shipping. Good deal

al mc

Active Member
Jan...good luck. I think you will do well. I would suggest having a bottle of amquel plus available just in case your ammonia, trites or trates gets out of hand if the QT is not cycled fully.


Staff member
And as soon as you recover from this ordeal, I know you will be seriously thinking of setting up a permanent viable QT, right?
Keep a close eye on pH, but if you have any ammonia, keep the pH at 8.0. Ammonia becomes more toxic in higher pH, so its better to keep lower. Any adjustments to pH, must be done very gradually. Make sure that circulation in your QT is very good. You could also add a few small pieces of live rubble rock from your display, if you have any.


Originally Posted by Beth
You could also add a few small pieces of live rubble rock from your display, if you have any.
is it ok to add LR during hypo treatment???


Active Member
Originally Posted by xsizzlax
is it ok to add LR during hypo treatment???
Just not a lot as there can be significan ammounts of die off if there's a lot of rock going through hypo. You don't even need rock though just enough sponges and such so that bacteria can colonize. I used a few pvc pieces and put sponges in them. I also used 2 hang on filters one with carbon that I changed weekly and the other with sponges that I didn't touch.


Thanks for the input. I have been monitering the ph and the ammonia. PH has been consistently at 8.2 and ammonia at 0.5. I will recheck my levels again later on tonight, I did a water change earlier. My salinity was at 1.009 and half so I removed a gallon of water and replaced with fresh. I am amazed at how this works. My fish all look so much better and healthier, and other than the quick set up this has been quite a bit easier then I would have ever expected. I have one tang that has one spot that showed up today on his face, all others are completely rid of the ich that I can visibly see. I will watch this tang. Maybe from that slight fluctuation, and maybe nothing. I am planning on leaving this tank up and running and being a permanent QT. It was my plan all along, just always things coming up and things being pushed back. Do some people keep fish permanently in their QT? I was thinking of just getting several damsels.


Staff member
Originally Posted by xsizzlax
is it ok to add LR during hypo treatment???
No, not live rock that you want to keep live. However, to stabilize a newly set up QT, adding a few small pieces of rubble rock will provide more surface space for bacteria colonies, and also seed the QT with bacteria colonies.


Staff member
Get the pH down to 8.0 via water changes that have not been bufferred. Ammonia can kill fish. You need to make it less potent. Also, add Amquel.


some pics of the QT I set up, some of the fish, although its very difficult to see the ich on most of them. The clownfish is the only it shows up on, ,and a pic of the empty lonely DT!



Good luck,I'm close to the end of my hypo treatment ,and so far all went well. I did set up a QT tank,going to get a few Green Chromis and keep them in there permantly.
Not to get off subject but I noticed you have an air bar in your DT. Someone correvt me if wrong but I was under the impression(from statements on this forum)that adding air in that manner is not good

Anyway,good luck,hope all your fish make it through with ease


Yes, I love that pic with the Goby peeking out! That is his spot now! Water levels are all great, very happy with the process. Not nearly as difficult as I had originally anticipated. In the DT the green bar is the spray bar for my canister filter, not an airstone. I actually used to keep airstones in the tank but read about the disadvantages so I removed them
I am one week into QT-5more to go. I'm going to keep them in there longer than the 4 just to ensure that the DT is ich free! I was thinking about the green chromies as well for the QT!


So I m four weeks into my hyposalinity. All is well, the fish have done wonderfully. I am so pleased. I will be starting to raise my salinity now. I plan on still waiting about 3 more weeks before adding them into my DT, so that way the DT will have been empty a solid 7 weeks to ensure all ich is gone. I am looking forward to having my fish back into their tank again!


Originally Posted by janastasio
So I m four weeks into my hyposalinity. All is well, the fish have done wonderfully. I am so pleased. I will be starting to raise my salinity now. I plan on still waiting about 3 more weeks before adding them into my DT, so that way the DT will have been empty a solid 7 weeks to ensure all ich is gone. I am looking forward to having my fish back into their tank again!
I am so glad that everything went so smoothly. I am sure they will be happy to get back into the DT as well!


New Member
Wow, janastosio, you have my tank! (old wood trimmed 70 gallon DAS flat back hex). I found one painted black and I stripped, stained it mahogany and varnished it with Spar Varnish. Just got it set up. Looks nice now.

I had to rip out that useless corner box, drill it for 2 1.5 drains in the back and put a 30 gallon sump under it. Now it's cranking.
Sorry to Hijack. Just surprised to see my tank!