Diatom Advise Please!!!!


The Other Day I Cam Home To A Brown Tank. Everything Was Brown, So A Couple Of Fellow Fish Lovers Helped Me Understand What It Was. I Did A 20% Water Change And This Morning It Looked Great. This Afternoon It Is All Brown ,sand Rock. This Time The Water Is A Nasty Brownish -green Color. All Tests Are Ph 8.2 Nitrate 0 Nitrate 5.0 Calciun 450. How Can I Get My Water Clear Again For More Than One Day. Please Help Me.


diatoms are a good sign and will go away . Its a sign that your tank is in cycle and progressing well. All I did during the diatom phase is stir around and use mag scraper on glass daily it will go away just be patient.


How old is tank & what type of water are you using?How long are you lights on and what are your lighting specs?


you are just in the beginning are you running any type of filter or even some floss cloth. Floss cloth which is like A/C/ filter material would most likely help the water clear up but just keep eye on it if it gets real dirty change it out. Just make sure you get it from fish store so you know there is nothing harmfull in it. It will clear up by it self but you can do this to help clear up. You want the bacteria to grow and that is part of the cycle process and is normal so dont be alarmed.


Active Member
Diatom growth sticks mainly to the surface of objects like the glass, live rock, and sand. I have never heard of free-floating diatoms which would cause cloudy water.... but that does not mean it is not possible.
Water changes are not going to get rid of diatoms in a cycling or new tank. You will just have to wait it out unfortunately. What you can do in the meantime is run carbon in your filters or put some reef-grade carbon in nylon stocking and float it.
After your tank is cycled you can add some mexican turbo snails and they will clean it up in no time.
ps- how much water do you have flowing through the system? You will need 10x for a fish only tank and 20-25x for a reef tank (multiply the number in front of the x time the volume of your tank, this should be flowing per hour). This will cut down the CO2 in the water, which leads to algae growth. Also, get yourself a phosphate test kit. Phosphate is probably the biggest cause of algae.