Diatom Algea


So i got some really nice base rock. Took some of my old lr and sumped it. Within few days diatom algea covered tthe new rocks, and it is spreading in my tank. Nothing spiked, water is as normal, so its safe to assume that the rocks are the cause. Should I be concerned, or this will pass without any harm to my reef?


Is this a new tank setup? If so then this could be very normal.
It could be feeding off of silicates which is normal for a new tank. A low pH is also possible as well as improper lighting.


Active Member
Yeah, and diatoms in a mature tank are almost always a result of silicates. Easily tested for and easily removed.


Thanks for the replies. The tank has been running for about a year and few months now. Until last few months I did not take care of it properly, had ich kill everything, so after that just kind of let it go. But I am back to doing the right things and more. But, it is possible for the base rock to bring silicates into the tank? I am just worried that it might be some other stuff, finally got hait algea under control, so now this is breaking out. I probably put too much base rock (25 lbs) at one time. I am learning very quickly that fast, and alot is not for this hobby.