diatom bloom madness



My tank has benn set up for about 2 1/2 months. Shortly after the start up my tank was over run with diatom monster.My local coral shop told me i should always have lights off during the cycle process.This worked really well and my problem disappered. When i added my live rock all visual signs of my diatom problem were not present and was given the ok by my LFS to turn on my lights.
Two days later the diatom monster once again over ran my tank and all my rocks. Another trip to the LFS and i was told to use chemi-clean by boyd enterprises and to turn my lights off again. I have done a water change every thursday since i starting dosing the tank.The chemi clean says to do a water change after 48 hours of treatment. Then it never fails i did almost a 50% water change last thursday and tried putting my lights on and in one day my problem had returned.I started this tank with well water because i did not know any better (my first SW).I do not have access to ro water yet until my funds permit me to purchase a unit. I have been using bottled water from the store which i was told would be better the the well water. If anyone can give me a suggestion or some advice it would help me a great deal. If you ever had a diatom problem you know that its an ugly sight in a beautiful tank


I found RO water at Wal-Mart for $0.58 a gallon. It tested OK. No nitrates, phosphates or metals. Good luck.


Active Member
How old is your tank? If it is at the end of the cycle then this is normal. You really shouldnt do a water change until you tank has cycled. You can leave your lights on during a cycle, just shorten the photo period. And last but not least...IMO you shouldnt put additives in to get rid of a problem, it will, most times just come back. There are usually natural solutions to most algea problems. HTH :D


Mine only lasted a few days. I rubbed the brown stuu off and when I started adding RO water I didn't have another break out.


I vote for the walmart ro water as well. My Wal Mart has an outside filling station for .35 / gal. If I even use 1 gal of tap water the diatoms come back!!!


safeway supermarket r/o water for me but its expensive like hell 1.00 a gallon i mean that might not seem expensive but it sure adds up


Active Member
I don't know if you are testing your amm,ph nitrites, nitrates etc. but after a cycle you are going to get a diatom bloom. IME/O you should have cycled your tank with the live rock in it from the beginning. Adding the live rock probably caused at least a mini cycle. Also you should not change water unless you have problems with that water ( and you might) Adding the live rock probably kick started another diatom bloom. Usually the best thing to do when experiencing a diatom bloom from cycling or adding lr, or ls is just to wait it out. It will go away by itself. 2/12 months is not very long and you could be recycling. Also, a lighting upgrade can cause a diatom bloom. I am NOT saying it is not your water because that could very well contribute but new tank, adding lr later changing your lighting time/intensity can also cause diatom blooms. Looks like you might be doing several things unknowingly to keep causing diatom blooms. If testing shows your cycle is over (for that matter even if it isn't) and all your lr and substrate is in there then you need to have that thing we keep hearing - patience - and it will work itself out. In future test all water before adding to tank. At minimum use the distilled water from grocery store. Best to use RO or DI or RO/DI if possible.HTH
edit: I just noticed your livestock list. Has anything died during this time?

reef dude

where can i buy some RO/DI water????
does it say that on the bottle of water, cuz like poland spring water and stuff, will that work?
because it doesnt say RO or anything on the bottles.