Diatom outbreak....


Brought it to the LFS and they tested for phosphates. They were between zero and the first denomination on the chart but i didnt se what the number was... it was the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kit. It reads from 0-10 so i assume that the reading was between 0 and 2 on the color chart. Regardles he said they were very low....


I was just at my LFS yesterday and they had 3 of the sea hares i think they were like $20.00. God they are ugly little critters. I asked one of the employees there (not knowledgeable about fish) and he just kinda stared at me blankly.

I would consider getting one but they are rather big. MY tank is only 30 gal. and i dont want to risk him starving after he finishes off the algae that i have. Does anyone have any insight as to how much these things eat? ***)