Diatoms - Im almost feeling suicidal!


Active Member
Hi Guys,
You might (or might not) remember several threads from me on this topic. My tank is now about 40% RO water (after changing to RO water), I have reduced PO4 to zero, silicates must nearly be zero as the remover is in there now (Kent's). There is also plenty of water movement. I have a sizeable clean up crew (see sig.)
I ahve very strong T5 lights, but surely they cannot be responsible? You guys have some stronger lights than me and dont get his problem.
I am at my wits end, what can I do? Thanks guys,


Active Member
are you feeding heavily. FYI the brown stuff is dead diatoms if I can remember correctly or their casing anyway just keep wiping and as tank matures they will go away. these things dont happen overnight so just be patient. Keep doing what you're doing:D


Active Member
thanks guys.
Well the wierd things is that overnight it seems to alsmost die and it is a very light brown covering (clean up crew feeeling hungry perhaps?), but then whilst the lights are on (about 10 hours actinics and 8 hours whites) it reappears.
Im not really getting it anywhere else other than on the substrate. is this normal?
Thanks for the help!


Staff member
How deep is your sandbed, what type of sand? What are your nitrates?


Active Member
How long has this 75 tank been set up ?
If it's a recent set up - less than a few months - then I would expect diatom growth. It's a natural part of a maturing tank.
Diatoms like a lot of light.
I see no corals in your signature ????
If I were you ~ I would consider reducing your lighting duration for awhile.
Continue the water changes using RO or RO/DI freshwater.
Use same RO or RO/DI for ALL evaporated water top offs.
Feed lightly.
What's the spectrum of the T5 lamps by the way ??
No corals - no need for long duration intense lighting - IMO
It's just fueling the bloom.


Active Member
Hi friends thanks for the response,
Beth: My nitrates are 5 or so (going down each time I add more RO), my sandbed is about 4" and 40% dead sand and 60% live sand. Live sand was added about 6 weeks ago.
Dave: Well I had my new T5's just before Christmas. Its not really a recent set up, Its been there for 9 months, but spiked dreadfully around Christmas, and replaced 50% of water then. No corals yet, but getting a leather or polyps this week. Im not sure of the spectrum, go to http://homepage.ntlworld.com/edwards_uk and that is my site I am building, it says on the lighting part what the spectrum is.
Leigh: My RO water is from LFS - I trust them.
Thanks for all your help!


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Melody - Thanks! I have exams at the moment at university so cant really spare the time to update it yet but certainly will as soon as that is done!
Anyone else any ideas before I go insane?


Active Member
no suicide would help at all, i only put that in as an emphasis of my frustration! ;)
Just retested my PO4 and they are still 0 yet diatoms are on the increase. The Kent Phosphate/Silicate sponge is in there (as directed) for a second time to try and removed silicates, yet diatoms are increasing! Argghhh!
Need some help from you more experiences peeps now..:(


Active Member
First of all, yes it's normal that is only on the substrate.
Second of all, you say you bught the T5 just before Christmas and had a diatom spike around Chritmas so I would suspect the lighting has something to do with it. Any new lighting can cause it and I admit I'm not familiar with the T5 spectrum etc.
Third of all, if you bought the the phosphate beads in the little bag I wouldn't advise using it more than twice. Did you let it thoroughly dry out for a couple weeks before putting it back in? I used mine once too often and made my diatom problem worse during a previous outbreak.
Fourth of all start chanting...diatoms are desireable....over and over and about the time you start to believe it they will vanish
Fifth of all...I feel your pain...:eek:


Active Member
Hi Wrassecal thanks for the help,
If you go onto my website (which I dont normally publish as its not done yet, but if you go to the lighting section there is a picture of the spectrum - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/edwards)uk)
Yes I am convinced that lighting has something to do with it.
I didnt let it dry out for weeks, maybe one week. Its only the second time I am using it.
I have no way of measuring silicates, should i just remove the bag and cut my losses?
Oh BTW, looking at your name you might know a little about Wrasses', can you take a look at my thread in fish discussion? Thanks!
All the best,


Active Member
just in the midst of sucking the things, and some of them are a tad too big for the nossle on the turkey baster. if they are blasted with boiling water will they die anyway and therefore pose no threat?


Active Member

Originally posted by timsedwards
just in the midst of sucking the things, and some of them are a tad too big for the nossle on the turkey baster. if they are blasted with boiling water will they die anyway and therefore pose no threat?

Is this in reference to your aiptasia post? I'm getting confused. I hope your not trying to rid yourself of diatoms like that;) Try this link for info on geting rid of your aiptasia. aiptasia At the top of the page in search just put"aiptasia" HTH


Hey Tim-
I would definitely recommend not running your lights for quite that long. Typically the sun is at full strength for 5-6 hours a day (10AM-3PM). You have got your white lights on for 13 hours a day, not to mention your actinics for 15!
My advice would be to cut down on the amount of time your lights are on. I have mine on for 11 hours a day total and it has worked fine so far.
Hope this helps.