

My tank has been set up since dec. about three months ago i started getting diatoms. when i turn the sand over they are back about 12 hours later. will these ever go away. i have the regular flourescent lights on my tank. i have not tested my phosphates yet either. may that have something to do with it?


They will go away with time. So don't worry. Just use less light but with time it'll go away.
Try not to turn the sand too much. Just leave it be.


Active Member
3 months? I dont think they are going to just go away. You normally would get diatoms at the end of a cycle, and diatoms can last a long time. But if you still have them i would check into it.
What kind of water are you using? tap water can cause diatoms


im using ro/di. i have not tested my phosphates, would that have anything to do with it? how about my generic lights? new ones have been ordered already.


Have you added a clean up crew to your tank yet? I had a diatom bloom at the end of my cycle...added my CUC (3 turbo snails, 10 astraea snails and 12 red leg hermit crabs (65 gallon tank) and the diatoms were gone in about a week and have not returned.


Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
yeah i have about ten crabs and snails, just stared hypo in the dt rock free so maybe it will go away.
Why are you doing hypo on your DT?


I took everything out except for the fish. I am quarantinning the dt because my qt is only 15 gallons and did not want to put more thann one fish in there. it is taking alot more water than i figured to get the sg down. its going to take forever at 5 gallons at a time. i already had 30lbs of live rock curing so i put what i had in the dt in with the other.


Active Member
to do proper Hypo you absolutely have to have the water down to 1.009 in less than 2 days, otherwise it doesn't work.