DID ANYBODY buy TINY blue hippo tang???


I was wondering if anybody bought the TINY blue hippo tang? I did and when I got him I thought how cute. A day later and he can't be seen anywhere. I'm almost to the point where I want to start pulling rock out until I find him or his body. I don't know what to do. He didn't even make it to my display tank he was in my quarantine tank which is a 55 but still. One day and gone like a fart!! Should of listed them as "snack" size instead of tiny. Anybody else having any issues. Thanks


Just recieved my today---sooooooo small--but cute. He's in my QT--only 10gal w/ corner PVC pipe in it---he hides behind it---but thats common. How long have you had him in the QT?


PSU hopefully you got him on special for 10 bucks!! If I would of paid 27.99 for him I'd be kinda ticked off.


my qt tank has a blue hippo (2 inch) and a clown, plus crabs and snails a small colony of zoos


Active Member
if you have crabs and snails in qt you wont find a body. Why are crabs and snails and zoos in qt?? most people only QT fish?? Hope they will replace it. I would contact SWF.


my wife doesn't understand the qt tank theory so I run it like a actual tank. and I have a couple critters in the tank with the rock so it's a second tank/qt tank this is easier to sell them just a qt.


Yes I did get him for $10 also. I would try and find him asap w/ crabs and snails in there incase he did die so that you could send the remains back for credit. If thats all that in the tanks you should be able to find something even in a 55. Good luck ---hopefully the little guy is just scared and hidding. Blue Hippo's do that the 1st couple of days in a new tank.


i bought mine when it was dime sized but now is at least 3 inches in length. i kept him in my reef tank and the thing just keeps getting bigger.


Staff member
Well, we did say tiny...
Actually, they are my favorite fish in our tanks right now. They all school together in this burst of blue movement....and you'll be surprised how quickly they grow.
Hippos take a little extra time to acclimate, so go slow... and they often "lay" on their side during the process.


If a tiny blue tank is laying on his side on the bottom of the tank and a hermit crab wonders up to it what do you think will happen?
I would remove the crabs for sure they will kill and eat a sick fish or one that is having a tough time adjusting to a new tank.
Just my opinion. I like hermits but defintely not in a QT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moonie
sorry I guess my idea of a qt is just a smaller display tank
lol, i guess it's aquarist instinct... If you have a tank with saltwater in it, make it purty


we bought one for our 55g, but are going to upgrade tanks sometime after Xmas (to a 120-180 still debating on size). the first day he scared us, didnt move much, hiding laying on his side in between gaps in the LR, then a few days later he would stay put right by the heater, w/in 2 weeks or so he became very active. Now almost a month later, he is as big as the blue damsel that we have had since we started the tank in may(ish). Would love to pull the damsel out but i cant catch him :(. Tank mates are
Blue Damsel (aprox 2-2 1/2")
Maroon Clown (aprox 4")
fire goby
2 big snails, and a handful of hermits +1 emerald crab
The damsel gave him a hard time the first few days, but now they seem to ignore eachother.
What is everyone else feeding them?
Currently I am alternating food between
Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies (purple seaweed) &
New life Spectrum ( Marine Fish Formula pellet)
at first the goby and tang would only eat the seaweed, now they eat both, and just the opposite for the clown (who prefers the pellet but will munch on the seaweed now and then).
The damsel ate both since introducing the seaweed ;)


Active Member
I am thinking about one of those tiny tangs. Would a 10 gal QT with a hob filter be alright for it. I have never set up a QT (I know) but thats why I have never had tangs before either.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
The extremely small blue hippos have horrible mortality rates, it's better to get them 2" or bigger.
Ya, Ive read that, but mine seems to be doing fine, he was eating @ the LFS i got him from, and havent had any issues w/ anything they have sold me yet ;)