Did anyone or anyone have this fish?


Nurse shark? Just wondering if they were hard to keep. Can i see some pics of the nurse shark......if you had one.


Active Member
My neighbor has one in his 500g. shark pond and he says it was harder to get it eating then a bamboo. They also get way to big for any home aquarium and shouldn't be sold IMO. They get like 10-12ft. in the wild so unless your aquarium is like 20,000 gallons are so then don't get one.


My LFS has a baby nurse shark in a tank that looks like a 75gal. I asked him "What you going to do with the shark in the future if nobody is buys it?" He said " Well i will just have to a bigger tank". Then i said "how big". Then he said "Oh,......maybe a 125gal" Then when i was walking out the the door i said " you might as well just give him to the ocean".


You need an INCREDIBLY large tank accomodate such a shark. Some people buy them as babies and end up not being able to get rid of them when the outgrow the tank, many large aquariums won't even take them. Quite a tradegy IMO.
Not a good shark for the hobby. :nope: