Did I almost DIE?????



So, I am cleaning out the garage and this huge spider tries to ATTACK me!!! I beat him down though... I was wondering that if he did manage to get a bite in, would I be out cold?? Anybody know what he is?? His body is shaped similer to a black widow (thick shiny black legs and big head) but he had these "arrows" down his main body part. (What's that called again, torso? lol)


Active Member
I don't know what it is, but I do know if I saw that thing coming at me I would probably die!! I like spiders about as much as I like snakes!! :scared:


I don't mind the little white or grey house spiders, they keep out other bugs. But we have lots of black widows (new development) and then I saw this. My hubby had his foot over it when I yell out, "WAIT! Lemme get the camera!" LOL I took this shot, couldn't get him to sit still for another, so I squashed him.


Oh no, I can't watch that show. I used to think I had a strong stomach... until I was trying to watch it, while pregnant!! Something about half cooked fertilized eggs...GAG!!!!!!!!! I STILL have a hard time with eggs! I gotta think baseball, or bills or like my arms being cut off!! LOL


i wouldnt wait to take a picture of that thing!!!!!!! id burn it!!!!! ugly!!!!:scared: :eek: :eek:


ugghhh.. That is one nasssy lookin spider!! What is that thing...did uput it in a jar ? u could, then take it sumwhere where they could find out exactly what it is... the newspaper, a wildlife refuge...omg..I woulda hadda heart attack if I seen that thing comming at me.. That pic gave me the heeby jeebies...wow Tizzo!!
A good friend of mines little five year old girl got bit by some kind of evil spider while vacationing in Maine this past summer...and that little baby had to have surgury on the back of her leg to get the infection out...they have no idea what kind of spider it was either.. made her VERY sick thou..she almost died..


Eewe, that's terrible!! Did they take her to the Doc immediately, or did they wait?? I was pullin' weeds a while back and I got bit on my hand by something. I don't know what, and I wasn't going to go to the doc. After about 4 days I got red streaks runnin' up my arm and I had a fever. They gave me whatever they give all bite "victims", and I was fine in 2 days.
Never thought to jar the little bugger though. Next time for sure. I thought this would be an easy ID for somebody, with those arrows and all. I prolly just eliminated a new, and undiscovered species that I coulda named...
Arachnotizzo LOL


Active Member
saltymom, that spider your friend's daughter got bitten by, i think that it might have been a brown recluse. we have a lot of those here. they are very poisonous and their venom basically dissolves your skin and you have to cut the part where they bit you out or it will keep spreading.
just a bit of quick info :)


Active Member
Well as someone who spent 4 days in the hospital because of a black widow sting I can tell you that I hate all spiders to this day. I did learn that there is a difference between a spider bite and a spider sting. However I did learn about the poison control center after the fact. In fact the hospital called the poison control center to see what to do about me. I would suggest Tizzo that you at least find the phone number for the local center, expecially since you have the little ones and all those bugs eeeewwwwww. OK off my soap box. But it helps to learn from others mistakes.


Kistheeze, thanx. I shot them an e-mail as soon as I saw the link.
Scott, I used to work communications at our trauma center (cool title for local hospital) so not only is the poison control's number etched in my head... I hooked up and fixed all their phone lines. (I didn't ORIGINALLY hook them up, they moved from one building to another when I worked there so I guess I should say I moved their phone lines). But thanks for your concern, hopefully I will never need to dial the number.:)


Tell us what kind of spider that is and if its deadly when they email you back.
Spiders are my bigggest fear and i think they should all be burned.:yes:


Active Member
all i can say is if i even saw that thing a few feet away from me i would S C R E A M like a little girl!!
then i probly would poo myself hah



poo huh? Funny!! I don't really have a spider phobia. Or snake, or much of anything in the way of critters. Oh yeah, except mantis shrimp and cirolanid isopods give me the heebie jeebies. My little bro has a frog phobia though, mr tough guy won't go anywhere near a frog!! Hahahahaha
Oh yeah...TICKS. THAT would make me poo myself!! Hate 'em!!!!!:scared:


Active Member
my next door neighbors brother is about 10 and he is SO SCARED of lizards and frogs its hilarious. i sneaked up on him today with my hands together like i had something and threw a leaf on him while he was eating he jumped up so fast and ran inside.. looked like he wanted to cry thats how scared he was. haha it was amusing



I don't condone being mean, but that's just down right funny!!! A 10 year old afraid of lizards?? That's just not normal. 10 year olds are supposed to catch them and keep them in their pockets for as long as they can before the mom finds out and gives him the whole "it's mom will miss it, you gotta let it go" speech.